Kiobel Watching

Kiobel Watching

For those watching for signs of how oral arguments went in the U.S. Supreme Court in Kiobel this morning, early consensus seems to be that while a majority of the justices were plainly concerned by a reading of the universal jurisdiction statute that would give the courts the power to hear cases with no substantial connection to the United States, “a majority [also] did not seem inclined to narrow the Alien Tort Statute nearly into non-existence.” So writes the venerable Lyle Denniston over at Scotusblog. There may be quite a line-drawing exercise to come. More on the arguments here in a bit…

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Response…when will we finally hear weather or not others can make claims from other countries regarding other matters in compensation claims ..not to do with corporations such as shell etc. How long do you think this “Kiobel”hearing will go on , days ,months?????? many thanks Lyn