Introducing Guest-Blogger Jan Dalhuisen

Introducing Guest-Blogger Jan Dalhuisen

We are pleased and honored this week to host Professor Jan Dalhuisen, Professor of Law at King’s College London, a visiting professor at the University of California Berkeley, and the Miranda Chair at Catholic University Lisbon.  Professor Dalhuisen will share some thoughts on a topic we too often ignore here at Opinio Juris: the transnationalization of private law.

Professor Dalhuisen graduated from the University of Amsterdam, where he also received his PhD, and from the University of California at Berkeley. Prior to entering the academy, he served as an in house counsel to the oil and gas industry, thereafter as a senior investment banker in London. He is a member of the NY Bar, a frequent international commercial and foreign investment arbitrator, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in London,  a member of the ICSID Panel of Arbitrators in Washington, a member of the Advisory Board of Linklaters in London, and Of Counsel to the Miranda law firm in Lisbon.

He is the author of Dalhuisen on Transnational and Comparative Commercial, Financial and Trade Law (4th Ed. 2010,  Hart Publishing Oxford), and Dalhuisen on International Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Matthew Bender), several other books and numerous articles.

Welcome Professor Dalhuisen!

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