Predator Drone Faces Court-Martial

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Mihai Martoiu Ticu

The clip depicts future realities. U.S. does not allow others to sue it in (international) courts. Others believe U.S. commits crimes against them and it is a threat to their lives. The others will commit increasingly more terrorist attacks against U.S., in self-defense. Since technology becomes cheaper, increasingly available and more destructive by the day, the U.S. will face increasing problems. It cost trillions to catch one single individual, such as bin Laden. Therefore, as long as U.S. does not want to allow others be able to sue it in courts, the U.S. has to find a technological solution to this problem. But it has no sufficient human resources to gather, analyses and decide the necessary amounts of information and will therefore delegate it to machines. The machines will gather information, analyses it and decide who might be a threat to the U.S. They will decide who gets killed. Eventually this killing system will work from space and everyone who grows a beard will be seen as suspicious and will expect a laser beam to turn him to ashes. Thus the U.S. becomes a global tyrant, if it is not already. To finance this project the U.S. has to find… Read more »


Mr. or Mrs. or Miss Ticu,

Sounds like a lovely hollywood movie; particularly like a mix of terminator and armagedon.


Yes Ben, a hollywood movie of a parallel universe where somehow technological achievement made drone warfare possible but not anti-aircraft capability.

[insert here] delenda est
[insert here] delenda est

The more fundamentally alternative part of M Ticu’s world is that it has people seriously imagining that international litigation and terrorism are alternatives or somehow concomitant options.

For my part, I’m putting off my repentance fast for the mass killings until they actually happen.