Karadzic “Regularly” Boycotts Trial

Karadzic “Regularly” Boycotts Trial

At least according to Dominic Hughes, a BBC reporter who obviously can’t be bothered to know what he’s talking about:

Perhaps not surprisingly Radovan Karadzic has been a reluctant participant in this trial.

The former leader of the Bosnian Serbs has appeared just a few times, regularly boycotting the process.

Apparently, “once” now qualifies as “regularly.”  Good job, BBC!

ADDENDUM: Hughes also claims that “[p]rosecutors have recently narrowed down the range of charges and specific instances in an effort to speed up the process.”  In the real world, of course, the prosecutors refused to narrow the charges, limiting themselves to reducing the number of municipalities at issue in the trial.  Apparently Hughes can’t be bothered to read, either.

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Europe, International Criminal Law
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Kevin, if you really are on Dr. Karadzic’s defence team as you claim, then it’s time to start acting like his lawyer rather than just another an academic observer.  It’s basic trial law that you don’t insult your finder of fact, in this case the Trial Chamber, as you have done in other posts.  It’s equally lacking in self-control to rant against the media and turn them against your client any more than they already are.  To date, Dr. Karadzic has conducted himself with dignity and respect in the courtroom.  You’re not doing him any favours by undermining his position and insulting the people who will decide his fate (the TC) and the people who will report upon his trial and his legacy to the world (the media).


Kevin, you’re a member of his defence team; you’ll always know more than the media about this case and you’ll always be able to find factual and analytical errors in their reporting.  The key is picking when and how to address those errors.  You can point it out in a sarcastic manner on your blog, or you could write to the journalist in question, politely point out his mistake and then offer him an interview with yourself or another member of the defence team to set the record straight and get other parts of Dr. Karadzic’s position across.  If the journalist refuses, you’re no worse off.  But if he says yes, then you have a way of putting your case across in the media.  Just a suggestion.


Anyone have any idea if the ICTY Court Transcripts are available to the public?
Not sure if I trust what is coming through via the international media at the moment.  Seeing as I’ve read reports that seem to resort to extreme views, rather than reporting exactly what has been said.
All of that being said ABC Australia’s report here seems to be the closest I’ve found to be reporting some of the truth, although a fair amount of it is grossly inaccurate…


Of all places… on the ICTY website!



And if you would notice, the last transcript is from Feb 15.

I’m looking for the Transcripts of the last few days.