Richard D. Rosen on Civilian Immunity

Richard D. Rosen on Civilian Immunity

Texas Tech professor and retired Army colonel Richard D. Rosen has a very fine new article up on Westlaw on targeting and civilian immunity.  It is a superb article – I myself am broadly in agreement with its sensible views on civilian immunity, human shields, sheltering among civilians, etc. – but even those who might disagree will find an outstandingly argued and researched piece.  The research is especially impressive and I commend the footnotes to you if you are mining things looking for sources on these topics.  Great argument, great piece – kudos to Professor Rosen, and might I recommend that he get it up onto SSRN so that others can access it worldwide?  Richard D. Rosen, Targeting Enemy Forces in the War on Terror: Preserving Civilian Immunity, 42 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 683 (May 2009).

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