Welcome to Guest Blogger Dan Bodansky

Welcome to Guest Blogger Dan Bodansky

Opinio Juris is pleased to welcome back Professor Dan Bodansky as a guest blogger with us over the next two weeks.  Dan is currently a Visiting Fellow at Oxford University, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, and his home institution is the University of Georgia Law School where he is the Associate Dean for Faculty Development and Woodruff Professor of International Law.  He is a renowned expert on the law and politics of global climate change. In addition to his extensive writing on the subject, Dan held the position of Climate Change Coordinator for the U.S. State Department.  He is the co-editor of the Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law. We look forward to Dan’ s visit!

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Welcome Professor Bodansky!


Great to have Prof. Bodansky back.  My views of OJ just doubled for the next two weeks.