Elisa Massimino Named as CEO of Human Rights First

Elisa Massimino Named as CEO of Human Rights First

I have been away from DC, isolated in an office at the Hoover Institution with the internet mostly turned off, completing a short book on US-UN relations.  So I have not been participating in – from the posts I have managed to read – the quite marvelous Wittes Long War discussion.  But I surfaced long enough to find out that Elisa Massimino, long time head of the DC office of Human Rights First, and a good friend to me and to many Opinio Juris bloggers and our readers, has been named the new chief executive of Human Rights First.  This is great news for Human Rights First, and for the whole human rights community, and certainly I want to join so many other people in congratulating Elisa.  Well deserved! Press release is here.

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