Do We Need a National Security Court? Conference at AU, February 1

Do We Need a National Security Court? Conference at AU, February 1

Our friend and colleague Ken Anderson is hosting a timely and important conference at American University Washington College of Law this Friday: “Terrorists and Detainees: Do We Need a New National Security Court?” Ken and his co-sponsors at Brookings have put together a terrific line-up of speakers and commentators (including Opinio Juris alums John Bellinger and Bobby Chesney). If you are in the DC area this Friday, I encourage you to check it out. You can register here.

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Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis

Looking forward to it. Have said before at Jurist in exchanges with Glenn Sulmasy why this is such a bad idea!



Kenneth Anderson

Peggy, thanks ever so much for the shout out, and hope we see anyone who is around DC on Friday at American University. It will be webcast, if you go to website – there will be links there to get to the webcast. I should also add that the event is organized by four of us – me, Professor Dan Marcus (chief counsel to the 9-11 commission), Professor Steve Vladeck (of many claims to fame, including NatSecLaw blog), and the Brookings Institution’s Benjamin Wittes (formerly editorial writer on legal issues for the Washington Post – if you are anywhere in the DC area, you have read more of his stuff than you would ever imagine).


Am so bummed to miss this.

Will there be a video version or transcript available for those who, alas, must be in the classroom on that day?

Kenneth Anderson

The event will be webcast from the website and I’m pretty sure that means it will be available for viewing or download from that site also. Alas, CSpAN is too busy with election stuff to cover it.