Can Spider-Man Save the UN’s Image?

Can Spider-Man Save the UN’s Image?

Someone at the UN thinks so. Marvel Comics is collaborating with the UN on a series of Spider-Man and other superhero stories that will show “the international body working with superheroes to solve bloody conflicts and rid the world of disease . . . . The comic, initially to be distributed free to 1 million U.S. schoolchildren, will be set in a war-torn fictional country and feature superheroes such as Spider-Man working with U.N. agencies such as Unicef and the ‘blue hats,’ the U.N. peacekeepers.”

At least we know Spidey can scale those ten stories that John Bolton wanted to lop off UN Headquarters!

Full story at the FT here. Commentary at the NYTimes Opinionator here.

Apparently, the story lines are still being developed. So what UN tasks would you like to see taken on by the superheroes?

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G.L. Campbell

I find it striking that the premise requires super-human ability (most notably strength) to achieve what mere mortals cannot. Do we then translate that to the Roosevelt doctrine of carrying a big stick? Does military might lead to more amicable talks between billigerents?

I also see, as is common in ancient myths and those more modern, a theological component here, the divine being the ultimate all-powerful, able to bring about that which men in their own strength cannot — peace. Is this not why Christians pray for such? (As a Christian I mean not to imply that it is mythical, though C.S. Lewis argues it is myth but so much more)

Non liquet
Non liquet

“Secretary General, I think Iran is developing nuclear weapons, my spider sense is tingling!”


It would be nice to see the superheroes actually bring peace — something which the UN cannot do. How does the UN expect to keep peaces that do not exist?

And we don’t need navel-gazing Spidey, but a 1940s era Captain America teamed with Batman (from DC), Wolverine, and Daredevil. They would be more likely (and willing after doing the moral calculus needed) to do what it takes to actually make peace — kill some bad guys.

NewStream Dream
NewStream Dream

I got two ideas:

The place: Eastern Africa. The young son of a UN diplomat needs a BMW to drive around Kenya. However, Kenyan customs is having none of it, and refuses to allow the duty-free BMW to clear import control. Who do you call?

IRON MAN!!!! Iron Man flyes to the rescue. Swooping low over the horn of Africa, Iron Man enters Kenya undetected. Setting up a secret lab, Iron Man constructs the finest duty-free BMW the world has ever seen. The young diplomat to be is able to drive around Kenya.

One more:

Spiderman vs. the 40 hour work week. All is not well at the UN HQ. The evil American — Bob Twoguns — is holding the UN hostage. Until the UN Secretariat agrees to work a 40 hour workweek, American will not pay its UN dues. Backed by the sinister and hidden “Western Consensus Man,” Bob Twoguns threatens all the civility that the UN has come to represent. Can Spidey save the day, or will the UN Secretariat be forced to work a 40 day week. Also starring, “French Man” as Spidey’s sidekick.