Sort-of-New Feature: Opinio Juris Linkroll

Sort-of-New Feature: Opinio Juris Linkroll

Careful readers of the blog will have noticed the addition of a “linkroll” on our left sidebar several weeks ago. (Hat tip to Gordon Smith for the idea.) The feature allows us to point readers to selected items of interest (no aspirations to comprehensive coverage) that we might not get to in our regular posts. We’ll hope sometimes to add entertainment value with the substitute headlines. Backlist here. Hope you find it useful!

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Patrick S. O'Donnell
Patrick S. O'Donnell

This is a nice added feature and I, for one, and probably speaking for others, appreciate it. Thanks.

Perhaps some day a site search engine as well? (See, you’ve already raised expectations!)

Patrick S. O'Donnell
Patrick S. O'Donnell

Oops, I missed it over there!