Welcome to the Blogosphere, AIDP Blog

Welcome to the Blogosphere, AIDP Blog

A promising new blog has joined the international-law blogosphere. Here is AIDP Blog‘s self-description, edited for length:

The AIDP Blog is the official blog of the American National Section of the AIDP (L’Association Internationale de Droit Penal/The International Association of Penal Law). The AIDP Blog will provide a forum for expert debate and thought-provoking commentary on contemporary issues of comparative criminal justice, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, international criminal tribunals, human rights and counterterrorism law & policy.


We count among our experts Bloggers the former U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues, a former Under Secretary General of the United Nations and Chief Prosecutor for the Special Court for Sierra Leone, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, former U.S Department of State legal advisors, participants from the negotiation of the ICC treaty, defense attorneys from international tribunals, and former military officers with operational and advisory experience in counterterrorism and post-conflict states. All of our experts are accomplished academics with multiple books and scholarly articles, many cited by the international criminal tribunals, the Supreme Court of the United States, the Supreme Court of Israel, and other high Courts. Our experts appear frequently in the media, and you can follow their appearances as they occur under our Expert Appearances section.


[T]he bloggers of the AIDP Blog:

Michael Scharf, Deputy Secretary-General of the AIDP and President of the AIDP American National Section

Mark Drumbl, Vice President of the AIDP American National Section

Christopher Blakesley, Vice President of the AIDP American National Section

Michael Kelly, Director of Studies, AIDP American National Section

Gregory McNeal, Director of Studies, AIDP American National Section

Dorean Koenig, Secretary, AIDP American National Section

David Crane, AIDP American National Section Executive Council member

Amos Guiora, AIDP American National Section Executive Council member

Linda Malone, AIDP American National Section Executive Council member

Michael Newton, AIDP American National Section Executive Council member

Jordan Paust, AIDP American National Section Executive Council member

David Scheffer, AIDP American National Section Executive Council member

The roster of bloggers speaks for itself — and the blog’s initial posts, which range from detailed analyses of the ICJ’s recent genocide decision to philosophic ruminations on the “Lucifer Effect,” are extremely impressive. Check it out. You won’t be disappointed.

Welcome, AIDP Blog!

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