ICC Releases Darfur Indictments – Sudan Minister Named

ICC Releases Darfur Indictments – Sudan Minister Named

As advertised, the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has released the ICC’s first two indictments arising out of its investigation of war crimes in the Darfur region of Sudan. As the BBC reports, the ICC has named Ahmad Muhammad Harun, former Minister of State for the Interior of the Government of the Sudan and the current Minister for Humanitarian Affairs, along with Ali Kushayb, a leader of the Militia/Janjaweed. The two are charged with “51 counts of alleged crimes against humanity and war crimes.” According to the ICC, “[t]he evidence shows they acted together, and with others, with the common purpose of carrying out attacks against the civilian populations.” A webcast of the Chief Prosecutor’s announcement can be found here.

The Prosecutor has requested the ICC issue summons that Mr. Harun and Kushayb appear before the ICC. Such a summons (if approved) will be sent to both the individuals and the state in question (Sudan). Sudan has apparently rejected out of hand any such summons (that didn’t take long!).

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