John Bolton, Unpaid “Acting Ambassador”?

John Bolton, Unpaid “Acting Ambassador”?

Who wins the bet if this happens? Do Julian and I have to buy each other a beer? Steve Clemons has the latest on the Bolton nomination:

So far, there has been no sign that the Bush administration’s considerable efforts to get Ambassador John Bolton confirmed are yielding any success in changing the environment currently blocking him.

But the White House has considered a shocking plan to keep the Ambassador in his position at the UN that may not involve a second recess appointment to his current position — which would mean that he could not be compensated, may not be eligible for travel funds, may not be able to actually use government facilities for his work, and would possibly be time limited to a certain number of days that he could remain in this position, even if largely stripped of all taxpayer support.

The White House is studying appointing Bolton as one of the deputies at the United Nations, specifically the “political deputy.” This position also carries the title of Ambassador, as do four other slots at the US Mission to the UN. Bolton would take a pay cut, and would then be made “Acting Ambassador” and chief of mission.

Those I have bounced this news off in the diplomatic community are stunned by even the conceptualization of this strategy and have a hard time believing that the administration would allow itself to appear in such a desperate position to retain Bolton.

I have no indication that this course is “likely.” I only know that it is on the roster of options being considered about Bolton.

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Peggy McGuinness

Kevin and Julian — You might modify your bet to hinge on whether Bolton receives Senate confirmation. If he is nominated to a deputy permrep position that does not require confirmation, or gets a follow-on recess appointment, I would consider that a failed confirmation.

By the way, I am with the unnamed sources in the diplomatic community who find this a bizarre strategy. Other PermReps would rightly consider it a demotion for Bolton. It just doesn’t make sense.