Report Find No Foul Play in Milosevic Death

Report Find No Foul Play in Milosevic Death

The special investigator assigned to investigate the somewhat mysterious death of Slobodan Milosevic has found that Milosevic died of natural causes. (The full report is here). According the investigation, which was conducted by the ICTY’s vice president Kevin Parker, “nothing has been found to support allegations reported in some sections of the media that Mr. Milosevic had been murdered, in particular by poisoning.”

The report pointed out that Milosevic had a very privileged position because he acted as his own lawyer. He had a private phone and could receive visitors in private. Moreover, those visitors could refuse to be searched. Hence, the report found his visitors had smuggled him some prohibited whisky for him.

Overall, the report seems fairly credible, but I’m afraid there is no way to completely silence conspiracy theorists on this question. No doubt the circumstances of Milosevic’s death will continue to be debated for years to come.

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