Opinio Juris: Over 100,000 Served

Opinio Juris: Over 100,000 Served

This morning we had our 100,000th visit to Opinio Juris. Peggy, Roger, Julian and I want to thank everyone for reading and returning to our site and especially for taking part in the discussions. We can’t believe that in less than a year there would be 100,000 visits to a site that focuses on our discussions on international law and politics.

In the last year we’ve added a new blogger (Roger), had guests join us (Duncan and Seth, currently), started an interview series, and, in general, tried to bring up some interesting points about foreign policy and international law every day of the year. We try to present ideologically diverse views and engage in a real discussion on timely (and not-so-timely) topics. We hope you have as much fun here as we do.

While today marks our 100,000th visit, next month will be our one year anniversary and we have a few significant changes that we plan on rolling out then. I’ll leave that for the anniversary.

And, as always, if you have suggestions as to how we can improve this site, please contact one (or all) of us. And, if you like what we are doing, please tell your friends and colleagues about Opinio Juris.

Thanks, and we will try to make the next 100,000 visits even better.

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