War in Ukraine Tag

[Kim Christian Priemel is Professor of Contemporary European History at the University of Oslo and author of The Betrayal. The Nuremberg Trials and German Divergence (OUP 2016).] The Kremlin’s allegation that its invasion of Ukraine was necessary to stop a genocide committed by the Kiev government against the population of the secessionist Donetsk and Luhansk provinces has been widely and rightly...

[Luke Moffett is a law reader at Queen’s University Belfast and Principal Investigator on the “Reparations, Responsibility and Victimhood in Transitional Societies” project.] Over the past month it seems like the international status quo has been turned upside down as Russian tanks rolled over the border into Ukraine. There has been a resounding condemnation of Russia’s aggression and disquiet that the UN...

[Marc Weller is Professor of International Law and International Constitutional Studies in the University of Cambridge, the former Director of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law and of the European Centre for Minority Issues, a former United Nations Senior Mediation Expert and a Barrister (Middle Temple) at Doughty Street Chambers. He served as advisor in a large number of international...

[Dr Pavel Doubek is a postdoctoral researcher at Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. He publishes in the field of International Law and Human Rights.] In the face of unprecedented aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and the civilian population, calls are getting stronger for the international community to impose a no-fly zone over the Ukraine territory and adopt other necessary...

Announcements ABILA - Crisis in Ukraine: International Law and Accountability: The ABILA ICC Committee is pleased to co-sponsor a virtual panel on Crisis in Ukraine: International Law and Accountability on Thursday, March 31 at 12:15-1:45 pm ET. Given the tragic outbreak of war in Ukraine and Russia’s flagrant violation of the UN Charter and ongoing commission of crimes, this panel will...