universal jurisdiction Tag

[Dr Patrick Kroker is senior legal advisor with the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, where he is responsible for the center's work on accountability for crimes in Syria. He is a German-qualified attorney and, in this capacity, regularly represents survivors of international crimes in UJ investigations and trials, including in the first case on Syrian state torture in...

[Silvia Rojas Castro is a Legal Advisor at the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) in Germany and a South-North Expert between ECCHR and the Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) in Argentina. Both ECCHR and CELS supported the filing of the complaint against Uribe Vélez in Argentina. Dr. Julieta Mira is a researcher at the National Scientific...

[Eva Buzo is a barrister and Executive Director of Victim Advocates International. Clare Brown is a Senior Legal Officer and Gender Advisor for Victim Advocates International. Kate Gibson is an international criminal lawyer and Senior Counsel to Victim Advocates International. Pia Conradsen is Rohingya Victim Coordinator of Victim Advocates International.] On 28 June 2024, the Argentine Prosecutor Guillermo F. Marijuán asked...

[Mohamed Eltawila is a judge at Egypt’s Court of Cassation’s Technical Bureau, and a former prosecutor and visiting professional at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. He holds a master’s degree in international law from the Geneva Graduate Institute.] The intersection of national statutes like the American Torture Victim Protection Act (TVPA) of 1991 and the overarching...

[Jennifer Keene-McCann is a Senior Legal Fellow at the Asia Justice Coalition and is based in Naarm/Melbourne, Australia. Aakash Chandran is a Fellow at the Asia Justice Coalition and is based in New Delhi, India.] This third Opinio Juris symposium relating to crimes against the Rohingya marks another difficult anniversary. Its theme, ‘Myanmar and International Indifference: Rethinking Accountability’, evokes a call to keep approaches...

[Leslie Johns is a professor of political science and law at UCLA and the author of  Politics and International Law: Making, Breaking, and Upholding Global Rules, that is being published by Cambridge University Press in summer 2022. Máximo Langer is a professor of law at UCLA and his research on universal jurisdiction trials has been published in journals like the...

[Dr Caroline Sweeney is a lecturer in International Human Rights Law with a particular research interest in the intersection between international law and international politics in Syria. She has published on accountability for international crimes committed in Syria since 2011.] On 13 January 2022, the Higher Regional Court in Koblenz, Germany convicted Anwar Raslan, a former Syrian intelligence officer, of the...

[María Manuel Márquez Velásquez is an LL.M. Candidate in Advanced Studies in Public International Law at Leiden University. LL.B. Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá-Colombia.  She is currently Assistant Student Editor at Leiden Journal of International Law and Coordinator of the Theory of Public International Law Research Group at Universidad del Rosario.] In 2005 while Argentina’s amnesty law was in force, Spain sentenced...

[Tun Khin is President of the Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK and Tomás Ojea Quintana is a former UN Special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar.] On 18 August, in a court in downtown Buenos Aires, Argentina, six women made history in the Rohingyas’ long struggle for justice. For the first time anywhere in the world, Rohingya victims of...

[Jennifer Keene-McCann is Fellow, Research and Policy at the Asia Justice Coalition and is based in Melbourne/Naarm, Australia.] As international lawyers we have many tools at our disposal to assist survivors of international crimes in a way that is meaningful and reflective of their experience.  Consider the atrocities against the Rohingya. Four years on from the latest iteration of violence, there has...

The past week has been a momentous one for the Rohingya, in their quest for justice and accountability.  On Monday 11 November, The Gambia filed an application at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) alleging violations of the genocide convention against Myanmar. On 13 November, a case was filed in Argentine domestic courts on the basis of what is termed ‘universal jurisdiction’ against members...