Human rights Tag

[Javier Urizar is a Guatemalan human rights lawyer, currently working at the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR)] National courts have always had an inseparable relationship with human rights. As the controlbody by excellence, they have been fundamental in limiting the acts of authority and sanctioning those responsible for human rights violations. Only if they fail in this task can the...

[Eoin Jackson is a PHD Candidate at LSE] At present, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) is considering its Advisory Opinion on the Climate Emergency and Human Rights. The proceedings follow on the heels of the landmark European Court of Human Rights decision in KlimaSeniorinnen v Switzerland, where the Court issued a declaratory judgment that the human rights of the...

[Faraz Shahlaei is an Adjunct Professor of law at Loyola Law School, Los Angeles] Introduction The intersection of human rights and sports has reached a crucial point with the Grand Chamber (GC) of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) taking over the Caster Semenya case. The case alleges human rights violations on several grounds due to DSD (Differences of Sexual Development)...

[Darryl Chan, LLM, is currently at an intergovernmental organisation for disarmament and has previously served as a research assistant to a member of the UN International Law Commission and at the Legal Division of the International Committee of the Red Cross.] The author was present at the Committee’s 140th session in Geneva, including for the 8th periodic review of the UK. Introduction On...

[Lucas Carlos Lima is a professor of international law at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais] It was expected that the advisory opinion on the climate emergency and human rights requested by the Republic of Colombia and the Republic of Chile to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (‘IACtHR’ or ‘Court’) would attract a high level of participation. While the 2017 Advisory...

[Wouter Vandenhole is full professor of human rights and children’s rights at the Law and Development Research Group of the University of Antwerp’s law faculty.] What if we could get back to the drawing board in human rights law? What would be the most decisive game changer? For some, it may be adding new rights or reframing existing rights. For others,...

[Caroline Omari Lichuma is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg, where she researches in the broad area of BHR. She received her PhD (summa cum laude) from the Georg-August University of Göttingen.] Striding Towards Responsible Business Conduct in The Age of Due Diligence Laws Mandatory human rights due diligence (mHRDD) laws are in vogue.  After the completion of the trilogues in...

[Gamze Erdem Türkelli is an assistant research professor in international law, human rights and sustainable development at the Law and Development Research Group, University of Antwerp, the principal investigator of the ERC Starting Grant 2023 funded GENESIS project and a member of the Academic Circle on the Right to Development of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development.] In...

[Mariana Gkliati is an Assistant Professor at Tilburg University. Danai Angeli is an Assistant Professor at Biklent University. Elizabeth Mavropoulou is a Lecturer at the University of Westminster. Niovi Vavoula is an Associate Professor at the Queen Mary University of London.] This blogpost was released on 11 July as an open letter to Greek and EU authorities, undersigned by 350 academics...

[Viola Santini is an MA student in International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute. She has actively participated in multiple Human Rights Council sessions, working alongside the Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to UNOG and the Advocacy team of Human Rights Watch. Currently, she is interning with the Rule of Law, Human Rights, and Security team at UNDP, and working as a research...

[Sara (Meg) Davis is Professor of Digital Health and Rights at University of Warwick and an Associated Researcher at the Geneva Graduate Institute.] In drafting her report to the UN Human Rights Council, the Special Rapporteur drew in part on research conducted by a consultant, Patty Skuster, who the author supervised at the Geneva Graduate institute.  At a critical moment in the...