Climate change Tag

[Benoit Mayer is Associate Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong; his research focuses on climate law.] My thanks to Srinivas Burra for his post engaging with my argument about the role of lawyers, in particular in relation to the mitigation of climate change. For those who are just catching up here: in a previous post (in EJIL:Talk!), I explained...

[Dr. Srinivas Burra is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Legal Studies, South Asian University, New Delhi.] This is in response to Benoit Mayer's writeup titled 'Why I Can't Sign the World Lawyers' Pledge on Climate Action', which was a reaction to 'World Lawyers' Pledge on Climate Action: An Urgent Call for Climate Mainstreaming'. I am not an expert on climate...

Call for Papers Cambridge International Law Journal: A Tribute to Judge James Crawford: The Editorial Board of the Cambridge International Law Journal is pleased to invite submissions for Volume 11 (issues to be published in June and December 2022). The Board welcomes long articles, short articles and case notes that engage with current themes in international law. In tribute to Judge James Crawford, who served as...

[Craig Martin is a Professor at Washburn University School of Law, specializing in legal constraints on the use of force and armed conflict, in both international law and comparative constitutional law. He can be found on Twitter: @craigxmartin.] It is now widely accepted that the climate change crisis is going to contribute to increasing levels of armed conflict among and within states in the coming decades....

[Jefferi Hamzah Sendut holds a law degree from St John’s College, University of Cambridge, and an LLM (Public International Law) (Distinction) from the London School of Economics and Political Science]. For prospective claimant States, litigating to prompt the adoption of more robust climate change mitigation measures by major greenhouse gas emitting States comes with a host of legal and diplomatic hurdles. This post addresses...

[Noah M. Sachs is a Professor of Law and the Director of the Merhige Center for Environmental Studies at the University of Richmond School of Law] This December, the Paris Agreement turns four years old, still in its toddlerhood. Will it prove to be a durable treaty, maturing and strengthening over time? Will it be effective when it reaches middle age...