arbitration Tag

[Mairée Uran Bidegain is an independent arbitrator and recognized expert in international investment law and dispute resolution] The adoption of CEDAW’s General Recommendation 40 on the equal and inclusive representation of women in decision-making systems (“GR40” or the “Recommendation”) marks a transformative step toward gender parity in international governance and adjudicatory bodies. Rooted in the principles of the Convention on the...

[Amanda J. Lee, FCIArb is an International Arbitrator and Consultant at Costigan King, and the Founder of Careers in Arbitration and ARBalance. Naimeh Masumy is a research fellow at the Swiss International Law School and a dispute resolution expert specialized in energy and investment disputes.] In the first part of this two-part blog series, we addressed the absence of a coherent legal framework for the protection...

[Amanda J. Lee, FCIArb is an International Arbitrator and Consultant at Costigan King, and the Founder of Careers in Arbitration and ARBalance. Naimeh Masumy is a research fellow at the Swiss International Law School and a dispute resolution expert specialized in energy and investment disputes.] There is, regrettably, a high likelihood that Ukraine will find itself facing a disproportionate number of investment disputes as a result of the...

[Aphiwan Natasha King (@A_N_King) is an international lawyer and future pupil barrister at 4 Pump Court. Any views expressed or implied in this article are those of the author alone.] Recent years have seen an increase in initiatives designed to improve equality and diversity in international arbitral proceedings. Unfortunately, statistics on diversity in arbitral appointments remain dismal, with women comprising only...

[Naimeh Masumy is a research fellow at the Swiss International Law School and a dispute resolution expert specialized in energy and investment disputes.] In July 2015, Iran signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (“JCPOA” or “Nuclear Deal”), an international agreement with the E3/ EU+3 (China, the Russian Federation, the United States, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom with the European Union)...

[Naimeh Masumy is a research fellow at the Swiss International Law School and a dispute resolution expert specialized in energy and investment disputes.] A famous Persian proverb states, “This person resembles someone who has lost his horse and yet, is looking for its horseshoes”. This sentiment aptly describes the current reform efforts being undertaken by UNCITRAL Working Group III (“WGIII”) to address the ‘legitimacy crisis’...