Search: Sosa

Jordan These are very interesting and apt points. I am struck by the fact that lawsuits led by counsel other than counsel for the losing cases (Alvarez-Machain, Sosa, Kiobel) did so much better (as you point out, e.g., Wiwa). I have also noted how even the Amici briefs are controlled by lead counsel, that the Court does not get some of the best arguments and precedent before it (and, perhaps, does not even care -- since Kiobel is an example of a case misreading the Restatement's Sec. 403 [which actually...

...that all major league players are Americans. They are not. According to this site, "after the United States, the Dominican Republic has the second-highest number of baseball players in the U. S. Major League Baseball. These include Sammy Sosa, Albert Pujols, Pedro Martínez, Vladimir Guerrero, David Ortiz, Jose Reyes, Manny Ramirez, Robinson Canó and Luis Castillo." Even if they were Americans, I don't think the federal law that Mitchell is referring to applies to the use of performance enhancing substances abroad. Roger Alford Peter Prows Roger, 1. None of the...

...this and inform DOJ and State. Now the interesting question for tv or a movie would be: can he be targeted as a matter of "self-defense" if he is about to go over to the PRC or is captured by the PRC? I suspect no, because there will be no "armed attack" involved -- or will there if the "armed" (substitute what dictionaries do, weapon) "attack" is a continual "cyber-attack"? And if he is unlawfully "rendered" to the U.S., will he have a right to return? Sosa did not exactly...

...the century with respect to treaties. Now two of the radical revisionists, with others, will control the restatement of the Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States [to, no doubt, "restate" minority preferences], and one had written that the customary international law that he opposed was human rights law and the prohibition of genocide and the other had come out in favor of the torture of other human beings prior to the Bush-Cheney era. They failed in the S.Ct.'s Sosa case regarding customary international law, but...