
[Valeria Babără works as Legal and Advocacy Officer with the Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice, where she monitors and researches developments on the prosecution and adjudication of gender-based crimes, and contributes to legal publications including 'The Hague Principles on Sexual Violence' and 'Judicial Approaches to SGBC at the ICC'.] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International...

[Kimberly Mutcherson is a Professor of Law at Rutgers Law School] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International Law, in which diverse authors reflect on how the International Criminal Court and other jurisdictions have responded to violations of reproductive health and reproductive autonomy. The symposium complements a one-day conference to be held on 11...

[Alix Vuillemin is the Executive Director of Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice. Rosemary Grey is a Senior Lecturer at Sydney Law School, The University of Sydney.] This post forms part of the Opinio Juris Symposium on Reproductive Violence in International Law, in which diverse authors reflect on how the International Criminal Court and other jurisdictions have responded to violations of reproductive...

To have your event or announcement featured in next week’s post, please send a link and a brief description to Featured Announcement: BIICL Summer Schools This summer, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is hosting two summer schools for those seeking to enhance their legal knowledge. The first programme focuses on Law and Technology and provides an extensive overview of the diverse...

[Benjamin Meret is a PhD Candidate and teaching assistant at the University of Geneva. He holds an MA in international law from the Geneva Graduate Institute of international and development studies.] On the evening of January 9th, Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa declared that the country’s armed forces were in an internal armed conflict against various criminal groups. This followed several critical...

[Lucas Carlos Lima is a professor of international law at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais] It was expected that the advisory opinion on the climate emergency and human rights requested by the Republic of Colombia and the Republic of Chile to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (‘IACtHR’ or ‘Court’) would attract a high level of participation. While the 2017 Advisory...

[Gerhard Kemp is Professor of Law at UWE Bristol and Extraordinary Professor of Public Law at Stellenbosch University.  Victor Kattan is Assistant Professor in Public International Law at the University of Nottingham School of Law.] The Republic of South Africa deposited its instrument of accession to the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid (‘Apartheid Convention’) on...

[Javier Eskauriatza is an Assistant Professor in criminal law at the University of Nottingham School of Law. He is also the Co-Director of the Criminal Justice Research Centre, and the Convener of the Criminal Law and Criminal Justice stream for the Society of Legal Scholars.] On 24 April 2024, twelve U.S. Senators (Republican Party) sent a letter to Karim Khan, the...

[Patricio Trincado Vera is a Research Assistant at the Transboundary Legal Studies Department at Groningen University.] March 2024 was a month with significant advances in the area of human rights and environmental protection on a regional level. The European Court of Human Rights has been at the centre of the debate with the three judgements on climate change and environmental issues...

[Full disclosure: I serve as the Prosecutor's Special Adviser on War Crimes.] In this post I want to provide an overview of the Rome Statute's principle of complementarity. The principle has been consistently misrepresented by politicians and journalists since word first got out that the Prosecutor, Karim Khan KC, intended to seek arrest warrants in the Palestine situation not only for...

[Megan Karlshøj-Pedersen is a Policy Specialist at Airwars, working across the U.K., U.S., the Netherlands and other European countries. Jessica Dorsey is an Assistant Professor of International and European Law at Utrecht University and the Managing Editor of Opinio Juris. Both authors are part of the civil society and academic consortium advising the Dutch Ministry of Defence described in this...

[Megan Karlshøj-Pedersen is a Policy Specialist at Airwars, working across the U.K., U.S., the Netherlands and other European countries. Jessica Dorsey is an Assistant Professor of International and European Law at Utrecht University and the Managing Editor of Opinio Juris. Both authors are part of the civil society and academic consortium advising the Dutch Ministry of Defence described in this...