
[Anne Schintgen is currently the Head of the Europe Liaison Office of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict. She previously worked in New York as a Political Affairs Officer with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.  Photo © Anne Schintgen – OSRSG-CAAC Field Mission to Wau Shilluk South Sudan in August 2017 - Military use of a school ]  The...

[Helen Duffy  runs Human Rights in Practice (, and represents Baltasar Garzón in proceedings before the UN Human Rights Committee. She is also Professor of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at the University of Leiden.] Judicial independence is under serious attack around the globe. On 15 October 2020 the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers presented his...

[Ibrahim Salama is Chief of the Human Rights Treaties Branch at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), where he also leads the “Faith for Rights” programme. Previously he headed the UN secretariat for the preparatory process of the 2009 United Nations World Conference Against Racism (Durban Review Conference), was independent expert of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human...

[Mona Ali Khalil is the Director of MAK LAW INTERNATIONAL and an internationally recognized public international lawyer with 25 years of UN and other experience, including as a former Senior Legal Officer in the UN and the IAEA, with expertise in peacekeeping, peace enforcement, disarmament and counterterrorism.] Today, 20 October 2020, is the tenth anniversary of the cholera outbreak in Haiti. On this sad occasion, it...

[Negar Mansouri is a PhD candidate in international law and research assistant at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland. Photo: Mike Hollman, Untitled (2015)] On October 2, the virtual seminar entitled ‘Contested Fundamentals of the Law of International Organizations’, organized jointly by Bocconi University and the interest group on international organizations of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) took...

According to Stephanie Maupas, in late July the chair of the Committee on the Election of the Prosecutor (CEP), Sabine Nölke, said the following concerning the Committee's vetting of candidates long-listed for Prosecutor: "I made the statement very clearly to the States Parties, the vetting process did not disclose any disqualifying information,” she said. The Canadian diplomat also asserted, not without...

[Parisa Zangeneh is a PhD student at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway, where she is a recipient of the Hardiman Scholarship.]   On September 30th, the Independent Expert Review of the International Criminal Court and the Rome Statute System (“Independent Expert Review”, “IER”) issued its final report (“report”, “final report”) after the Assembly of States Parties...

[Federica D’Alessandra is the Executive Director, Oxford Programme on International Peace and Security, Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict (ELAC), Oxford Blavatnik School of Government; immediate past Co-Chair & Advisory Board, IBA War Crimes Committee; Council, IBA Section on Public and Professional Interest & Human Rights Institute. Sareta Ashraph is a Visiting Fellow of Practice with the Oxford Programme on...

[Sareta Ashraph is a Visiting Fellow of Practice with the Oxford Programme on International Peace and Security, Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict (ELAC), Oxford Blavatnik School of Government; she is a barrister with Garden Court Chambers; and the Co-Vice Chair of the IBA War Crimes Committee; Federica D’Alessandra is the Executive Director, Oxford Programme on International Peace and Security, Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed...

[Sareta Ashraph is a Visiting Fellow of Practice with the Oxford Programme on International Peace and Security, Institute for Ethics, Law, and Armed Conflict (ELAC), Oxford Blavatnik School of Government; she is a barrister with Garden Court Chambers; and the Co-Vice Chair of the IBA War Crimes Committee; Federica D’Alessandra is the Executive Director, Oxford Programme on International Peace and Security,...

[Mohammad H. Zakerhossein is an Assistant Professor of international criminal law at University of Tehran.] In its eighteenth session in December 2019, the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court established the Independent Expert Review with the mandate to ‘identify ways to strengthen the ICC and the Rome Statute system in order to promote universal recognition of their central role in the global fight...

In past decades, Latin American countries witnessed violent conflict and serious human rights abuses at the hands of state and non-state actors. In these contexts, conflict-related sexual violence was widespread, perpetrated in order to advance military goals and as a tactic of repression against political opponents and communities. But as the region has grappled with the past through efforts toward...