
[Clare Brown is the Deputy Director of Victim Advocates International. She is Assistant to Counsel in a submission filed on behalf of 64 Rohingya to the International Criminal Court, requesting the court to consider holding hearings in Bangladesh.]  On 16 March, Miranda Sissons, the inaugural Director of Human Rights for Facebook, posted an article on Opinio Juris announcing the launch...

Gabrielle McIntyre, Chair Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice; Chairperson, The Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission, Seychelles. In the previous post I set out the basis for asserting that a comprehensive vetting procedure must be adopted for high level candidatures and how the failure to adopt comprehensive vetting measures impacted the climate and integrity of the Prosecutor’s election process.  In this...

Gabrielle McIntyre, Chair Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice; Chairperson, The Truth, Reconciliation and National Unity Commission, Seychelles. In this two-part post, I will address the clear need for vetting of high candidacies to ensure they meet the requirements of high office- in particular, the legal requirement of high moral integrity so often assumed to be part and parcel of such a...

[Miranda Sissons is the Human Rights Director at Facebook. Facebook has agreed to engage in a Q & A session to be published on Opinio Juris next week.] The human rights movement long predates the rise of social media. That’s a very good thing. Three decades ago, we faxed or telexed urgent actions between groups and desperately wondered how to pay for...

As readers no doubt know, Fatou Bensouda announced yesterday that the OTP is opening a formal investigation into the situation in Palestine. Doing so was a foregone conclusion, given the Pre-Trial Chamber's recent decision that the ICC has jurisdiction over crimes committed in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Regardless, even if the bulk of the work will fall...

Patricia Vella de Fremeaux (Mallia) is Associate Professor and Head of the International Law Department of the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta. Dr. Felicity G. Attard is a lecturer in the Department of International Law at the University of Malta. The “Special Relationship of Dependency” and Effective Control in Rescue Operations on the High Seas We find it more...

Patricia Vella de Fremeaux (Mallia) is Associate Professor and Head of the International Law Department of the Faculty of Laws, University of Malta. Dr. Felicity G. Attard is a lecturer in the Department of International Law at the University of Malta. Introduction On 27 January 2021, the United Nations Human Rights Committee (HRC or Committee) found that Italy had failed to...

Paolo Busco is a member of Twenty Essex Chambers, where he practices in the field of public international law. All opinions are expressed in a personal capacity only. Introduction On 27 January 2021 the Human Rights Committee published its decisions on two communications submitted in 2017 respectively against Malta (S.A. and others v. Malta, Communication No. 3043/2017), and Italy (S.A. and others v....

Announcements 2021 Rosalyn Higgins Prize: The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (LPICT) now invites submissions for the 2021 Rosalyn Higgins Prize. The deadline is 30 June 2021. The Rosalyn Higgins Prize is an annual prize which awards EUR 1.000 of Brill book vouchers and a one-year LPICT subscription to the author of the best article on the law and practice...

Jennifer Trahan is Clinical Professor at NYU's Center for Global Affairs and Director of their Concentration in International Law & Human Rights. A reset of US policy toward the International Criminal Court (ICC) is sorely needed. It is also time for the US, which historically has been a leader in the field of international justice, to reassume that leadership mantle. Rescind Sanctions...

Andras Vamos-Goldman has a long post today at Just Security criticising the UK's recent adoption of the Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Bill, which will make it considerably more difficult for British courts to prosecute soldiers who commit international crimes overseas or to hear civil actions brought by the victims of such crimes. He also decries in general the lack of...