International Human Rights Law

[Owiso Owiso is a Lecturer in Public International Law at the University of Groningen.] Introduction Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine commenced in February 2022, there have been increased calls for criminal accountability for crimes allegedly (being) committed in the context of the invasion. Following Ukraine’s declarations of February 2014 and February 2015 accepting the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and...

[Wai Wai Nu is a human rights and democracy activist, a former political prisoner, and the founder and executive director of the Women’s Peace Network in Myanmar. She is currently a Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Human Rights Center, UC Berkeley School of Law.] On February 28, hearings concluded at The Hague in the genocide case against Myanmar after four days of arguments on whether the International Court...

In an excellent recent blog post at Just Security, Tom Dannenbaum identified four options for prosecuting Russia's unprovoked aggression against Ukraine: [T]he International Criminal Court, an ad hoc international tribunal (whether along the lines proposed at Chatham House or pursuant to a General Assembly resolution), a domestic court exercising territorial jurisdiction (in Russia, Belarus, or Ukraine), or a domestic court exercising...

[María Manuela Márquez Velásquez is an LL.M. Candidate in Advanced Studies in Public International Law at Leiden University. LL.B. Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá-Colombia.  She is currently Assistant Student Editor at Leiden Journal of International Law and Coordinator of the Theory of Public International Law Research Group at Universidad del Rosario.] The Office of Prosecutor ICC (OTP) has announced a new policy...

Events Society of Legal Scholars Workshop: The SLS International Law Section will host its online PhD Workshop on Responding to Complex Relationships in International Law on 13 May 2022. The programme includes perspectives on global governance, climate change, international criminal justice, and technology and is available here. Attendance is free but the organisers strongly encourage attendees to consider joining the Society of...

[ Dr Elvira Domínguez-Redondo is an Associate Professor of International Law at Middlesex University, London (UK).] The topic of sanctions in general, and their use as an enforcement mechanism linked to human rights violations specifically, is deeply controversial. It encompasses antagonist positions that oscillate between those focusing on the paralyzing impact of an international machinery that requires inter-state cooperation to function, and those highlighting the...

[Eirik Bjorge is a Professor at the University of Bristol.] Introduction Sanctions are not an invention of the United Nations system: they predate the United Nations and have a long pedigree in the history of inter-State relations. This long pedigree is buttressed by extensive State practice which supports the unilateral right to impose such sanctions. It would therefore be incorrect to assert that only international organs such...

Call for Papers Call for Papers - Young Researchers’ Workshop ‘European Human Rights Protection: Twenty years from now': On the 16th of September 2022, the Academy for European Human Rights Protection at the University of Cologne will be opened officially. This joyous occasion will be marked with a colloquy bringing together judges from the European Court of Human Rights, the European Court,...

[Ryan Thoreson is a researcher in the LGBT Rights Program at Human Rights Watch.] For most children, nationality is clear-cut. Most countries pass nationality down to children who are born to at least one of their citizens, while a smaller number grant nationality to any child born on their territory. But citizenship laws are by nature more exclusive than inclusive. For children whose parentage or family structure...

Events Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre virtual event: IHL and the protection of persons with disabilities: Even though about 15 percent of the population have some form of disability, this group is largely ignored when an armed conflict breaks out. International humanitarian law (IHL) does not include specific provisions for the protection of people with disabilities. At a virtual side-event on...

[Hakan Kaplankaya is a former Turkish diplomat, jurist and INSTITUDE member.] The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), on 23 November 2021, handed down a landmark judgment, Turan and Others v. Turkey, concerning the lawfulness of pre-trial detentions of the judges and prosecutors suspended from office in the wake of the coup attempt that took place on the 15th of July,...