Environmental Law

A few days ago, the European Law Institute published its final report on ecocide. The report not only provides a definition of ecocide, it also contains Model Rules for an EU Directive and a Council Decision that ELI hopes will both "contribute to the inter-institutional negotiations in the EU on the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and...

[Eoin Jackson is an LLM student at Harvard Law School.] Introduction To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, it will be necessary for the world's leading fossil fuel producers to decouple their economies from sources primarily responsible for the continued rise in global temperatures. Some of these economies include nations whose laws and society are dominated by Islamic jurisprudence, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar,...

Via its Minister for the Environment, the Belgian government has announced that it intends to incorporate the crime of ecocide into its Penal Code: A concept now recognized in the national penal codes of 10 countries (Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Vietnam and France), the crime of ecocide refers to all illegal actions that lead to the...

[Karen C. Sokol is a professor of law at Loyola University New Orleans College of Law and Fellow in Law, Ethics, & Public Policy at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. She serves as a Member Scholar at the Center for Progressive Reform.] Throughout the summer and early fall, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres repeatedly urged wealthy, high-emitting nations to...

[Chris Carpenter is an associate at an international law firm, where her practice involves international arbitration and international financial litigation matters. The views expressed belong the author alone, and do not represent the views of her employer.] “There’s only one war that matters. The Great War. And it is here.”  Jon Snow Jon Snow and climate scientists have a lot in common. Both...

Call for Papers Human Rights and International Investment Law PhD Workshop - Call for Abstracts: The Erasmus Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity (Erasmus University Rotterdam) is pleased to announce a call for abstracts for a Human Rights and International Investment Law PhD Workshop, taking place online on 27 and 28 October 2022. The Workshop will bring together PhD candidates and investment...

Call for Papers Call for Papers - December 2022 Issue of the Washburn Law Journal: The Washburn Law Journal is soliciting articles for Issue I, Volume 62 of the Journal. The lead Essay for the issue is written by Professor Daniel Bodansky and discusses the UN climate change regime, the Paris Agreement, and COP 26. Each year, Washburn University School of...

Announcements Online Event - "Minimalism vs. Maximalism in the ECHR": We are pleased to announce an online panel “Minimalism vs. Maximalism? Challenges and Future Directions in the Interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights” on 8 June, 4 pm CET. How does, and how should, the European Court of Human Rights interpret and apply the rights protected under the European Convention on Human...

Call for Papers Call for Papers - ASCOMARE Yearbook on the Law of the Sea (Volume 2): Associazione di Consulenza in Diritto del Mare (ASCOMARE) is pleased to announce a call for papers for Volume 2 ("Fisheries and the Law of the Sea in the Anthropocene Era") of the ASCOMARE Yearbook on the Law of the Sea (YLoS). Building on the...

[Dr Justine Bendel is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Copenhagen.] [This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 101028622.] This post will look at the recent decision delivered by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the case entitled Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo (Democratic Republic of the...

Featured Announcement ILA British Branch Annual Spring Conference The International Law Association British Branch Annual Spring Conference will be held on Friday 29 April 2022 at the University of Surrey. The Conference will be held in hybrid mode on the theme ‘International Law and Climate Change’. Full details may be found in the conference programme enclosed and the conference website. Fees range from £10...