Courts & Tribunals

[Mark Kersten is the founder of the blog Justice in Conflict. He is a Senior Researcher at the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy and a student at McGill University’s Faculty of Law.] You would think it was reason to celebrate: there is a distinct possibility of an international court investigating alleged international crimes in a region of the...

[Triestino Mariniello is Senior Lecturer in Law and Coordinator of the Research Unit in ‘International Justice and Human Rights’ at Edge Hill University, UK. Chantal Meloni is Associate Professor at the University of Milan, Italy where she teaches International Criminal Law and Senior Legal Adviser to the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, Germany.] This Symposium on ‘The Question of...

 [Cale Davis is a PhD candidate at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University in The Netherlands. He was previously a Prosecutor with the Northern Territory DPP and a Judge’s Associate at the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory in Australia. His research concerns prosecutorial discretion in international criminal justice.] If the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) judiciary was hoping for a relaxed Christmas...

[Shannon Raj Singh is a Visiting Fellow of Practice at Oxford’s Institute for Ethics, Law & Armed Conflict, where she is researching the duty to prevent atrocity crimes with Federica D’Alessandra, the founding Executive Director of the Oxford Programme on International Peace and Security.  Shannon is also an Associate Legal Officer at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in The Hague. The views expressed herein...

[Waritsara Rungthong is Project Manager of the Refugee Rights Litigation Project in Bangkok, Thailand. Caroline Stover is Asia Programme Officer at ARTICLE 19 and a legal advisor to the Refugee Rights Litigation Project.] On 24 December 2019, the Royal Thai Government approved a regulation with the aim to establish a national screening mechanism  to manage “aliens” who cannot return to their country of domicile.  With the regulation adopted as...

Yesterday, the International Court of Justice issued its decision relating to the request for provisional measures in the case brought by The Gambia against Myanmar, relating to the Genocide Convention and the Rohingya. This order is the result of an application filed by The Gambia on 11 November 2019 at the ICJ.  As I have previously written about the application, as well as days 1, 2 and 3 of the hearings held...

[Valentina Azarova is an international law practitioner and academic currently Visiting Academic at the Manchester International Law Centre, University of Manchester, and Legal Advisor to the Global Legal Action Network (GLAN). This is the second part of a two-part post. The first can be found here.] The first part of this post discusses the ways in which the Yemen conflict has animated a body of ongoing legal challenges...

[Todd Carney is a student at Harvard Law School. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Public Communications. He has also worked in digital media in New York City and Washington D.C.] Since 1991, Armenia and Azerbaijan have been locked in an extreme conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region on their border. The region contains the unrecognized Republic of Artsakh. Armenia has implicitly...

[Nicolás Zambrana-Tévar is Professor of Law at KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan, where he specializes in International Law.] A genuine electoral thriller The Catalan separatist struggle seems to be, right now, a tennis match where the ball is bouncing back and forth between Madrid, Strasbourg and Brussels. On 2 November 2017, Mr Junqueras, then vice-president of the Catalan autonomous government, was arrested with other separatist leaders and was charged with...

[Marina Aksenova is a Professor of Comparative Criminal and International Law, IE Law School Madrid and Linde Bryk is Legal Advisor - Bertha Justice Fellow, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights.] On 11 December 2019, ECCHR together with a group of NGOs - Mwatana (Yemen), Rete Disarmo (Italy), Centre Delàs (Spain), the Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK) and Amnesty International Secretariat...