Courts & Tribunals

[María Manuel Márquez Velásquez is an LL.M. Candidate in Advanced Studies in Public International Law at Leiden University. LL.B. Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá-Colombia.  She is currently Assistant Student Editor at Leiden Journal of International Law and Coordinator of the Theory of Public International Law Research Group at Universidad del Rosario.] In 2005 while Argentina’s amnesty law was in force, Spain sentenced...

[Indira Rosenthal is a legal consultant in international human rights law and international criminal law, with specialisms in women’s human rights, gender justice, law reform and access to justice. She is currently a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania, Australia, researching possible impacts of (mis)understandings of ‘gender’ on accountability for atrocity crimes at the ICC.] As the ICC ‘s third...

[Dr Ebba Lekvall is a Lecturer at the University of Essex School of Law and Human Rights Centre. Dr Melanie O’Brien is Associate Professor of International Law at the University of Western Australia and President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. Dr Tara Van Ho is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Essex School of Law and Human...

Announcements 2022 LPICT Rosalyn Higgins Prize: In light of her outstanding and inspiring achievements in the field of international dispute settlement, the Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (LPICT) named a Prize in honour of H.E. Rosalyn Higgins in 2019. The Rosalyn Higgins Prize is an annual prize which awards EUR 1.000 of Brill book vouchers and a one-year LPICT subscription to the author...

Announcements Book launch on René Provost, Rebel Courts – The Administration of Justice by Armed Insurgents (Oxford UP 2021) organised by the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights on 1 December 2021 at 11h30-13h00 EST on Zoom: The new book Rebel Courts by Professor René Provost (McGill University) discusses the administration of justice by armed groups. Based on extensive fieldwork, it offers a...

[Chris Carpenter is a lawyer and researcher in international law. She holds a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and a master’s in International Relations and Politics from the University of Cambridge.] The fundamental goal of a fair trial—at least in theory—is the discovery of truth, and the finding of a verdict on the basis of that truth. But...

[Thomas Bickl PhD researches dispute resolution issues between the EU and third countries, EU enlargement in the Western Balkans, and Law of the Sea issues. His book on the border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia and its implications for EU enlargement was published by Springer.] This post aims at shedding some light on a territorial dispute along the Danube, Europe’s most...

[Kritika Sharma is a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law and is writing her PhD in International Criminal Law and International Institutional Law at Leiden University.] Decisions taken by the International Criminal Court (ICC) as well as its international judicial governance institution or ‘injugovin’ the Assembly of States Parties (ASP), have been...

[Audrey Fino is a lecturer in international human rights, humanitarian and public international law at the University of Groningen, legal consultant at the Extraordinary Chambers for the Courts of Cambodia and a PhD researcher. The views expressed in this blog are those of the author alone.] A year or so after the publication of the 'Report of the Independent Expert Review...

[Melissa Kucinski is an international family law expert based in Washington, D.C. who consults for lawyers globally on their multi-jurisdictional family law cases.] On January 26, 2021, Ms. Narkis Golan requested that the U.S. Supreme Court grant a writ of certiorari in the ongoing saga between her and Mr. Isacco Saada concerning their child. Several years ago, Ms. Golan traveled from...

[Lisa Reinsberg is an international human rights lawyer and the founding executive director of the International Justice Resource Center.] I nodded along with Moisés Montiel’s recent post, in which he called for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to provide an individualized explanation when rejecting petitions at the initial processing stage. The secondary effects of the IACHR’s pro forma rejections can include second-guessing, cynicism, and resentment...

[Amanda Ghahremani is a lawyer and consultant specialising in international criminal law, corporate accountability, and universal jurisdiction. Raquel Vazquez Llorente is the Permanent Representative to the International Criminal Court for FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights).] In June 2021, Karim Khan started his nine-year mandate as the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). To commemorate the occasion, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) has been...