
[Adrián Agenjo is an LL.M graduate from the London School of Economics and a Researcher at Pompeu Fabra University. He also works at Irídia - Human Rights Defence Centre in Spain.] The views expressed in this article are the author’s alone and do not represent any institutional affiliation. Lavender Unveiled: The Oblivion of Human Dignity in Israel's War Policy on Gaza The Israeli military...

[Margaret Ajok is currently the Transitional Justice Advisor at the Governance and Security Programme Secretariat (formerly JLOS), at the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Uganda. She is a lawyer and advocate of the Courts of Judicature of Uganda and is also a task force member for the African Union Women for Transitional Justice Network representing Africa.] Introduction The over two decades...

[Sylvia Acan is a survivor; abducted at 13 years, Sylvia lived in captivity for almost 8 years. Following her repatriation, Sylvia returned to school and completed tertiary level education. In 2011, she founded Golden Women Vision Uganda to provide support to women and children victims of the LRA war, including many victims of Dominic Ongwen.] I am a survivor of the atrocities...

[Fatuma Abiya is a child born in captivity following the abduction of her mother by the Lord’s Resistance Army. Now a young adult, Fatuma is a Human Rights activist, a peace practitioner and law graduate who completed law school in 2023. She is a passionate advocate concerning issues impacting women, youth and children born of war.] Background I was born in captivity to...

[Douglas Guilfoyle is Professor of International and Security Law at UNSW Canberra] Introduction  Israel’s strike on the World Central Kitchen (WCK) convoy on 1 April was almost certainly a war crime. Indeed, I struggle to see how any other conclusion is possible. This is true even accepting the ‘misidentification’ version of events the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has subsequently offered. At the outset...

“I can’t stand [Netanyahu]. He’s a liar.” “You’re tired of him; what about me? I have to deal with him every day.”Sarkozy and Obama in conversation about the Israeli prime minister Justice hinges on the voices heard, whether in courts or across media platforms. It also depends on the credibility afforded to these same speakers. In legal systems, we presume truthfulness, believing...

[Avraham Russell Shalev is a lawyer and researcher at Kohelet Policy Forum in Israel] Editors’ Note: This article is a response to a post by Alonso Gurmendi, available here. To read Alonso’s rejoinder, please see here. In a recent article, Alonso Gurmendi responded to a legal opinion released by the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists in the context of the...

[Alonso Gurmendi Dunkelberg is a Lecturer in International Relations at King’s College London] On Thursday, the International Court of Justice (“ICJ” or “the Court”) issued a second round of provisional measures in the case of South Africa v. Israel. As readers will remember, in January, the Court ordered Israel, among other things, to “take all measures within its power to prevent the commission of all acts within...

[Peter Splinter is currently an independent consultant working on the relationships between human rights and environmental protection. He has previously represented Amnesty International at the United Nations in Geneva and worked with the Canadian foreign and justice ministries as a diplomat and legal counsel.] With reference to the recent authorisation of the exploitation of the Rosebank oil and gas field by...

[Mais Qandeel is a Senior Lecturer of International Law at Örebro University, Sweden. She holds a Ph.D. in international humanitarian law from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland.] Introduction Israel fully controls the Palestinian cyberspace and information and communications technologies (ICTs) infrastructure. It only allows the use of 3G in the West Bank and 2G in the Gaza Strip. In its current war,...