
Siddharth S Aatreya is an Advocate (India) and Future Trainee Solicitor at the London office of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP. All opinions expressed here are strictly personal. Shamima Begum was born a British citizen in Britain. At the age of 15, she left Britain for Syria, where she joined the ISIL. She subsequently married an ISIL fighter in Syria and gave...

As readers no doubt know, Fatou Bensouda announced yesterday that the OTP is opening a formal investigation into the situation in Palestine. Doing so was a foregone conclusion, given the Pre-Trial Chamber's recent decision that the ICC has jurisdiction over crimes committed in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem. Regardless, even if the bulk of the work will fall...

Simón Gómez is adjunct professor of Public International Law at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello in Caracas and works as International Litigation Coordinator at the NGO Defiende Venezuela. Moisés Montiel is a consultant and litigant in matters of International Law and Human Rights at Lotus Soluciones Legales as well as a Professor of Treaty Law and Law of Armed Conflict at...

[Parisa Zangeneh is a PhD student at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway, where she is a recipient of the Hardiman Scholarship.] Photo: Parisa Zangeneh The story begins with an invitation of sorts. An invitation to enter the Nuremberg Palace of Justice, where the trial of Hans Frank for crimes against humanity committed during the Holocaust was...

[Todd Carney is a student at Harvard Law School. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Public Communications. He has also worked in digital media in New York City and Washington D.C.] Though the whole world felt the weight of the Holocaust, some would argue that the Holocaust impacted Poland more than any other country. Though the world largely recognizes the atrocities that occurred in Poland...

  The United Nations Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict and its partners launched in July 2020 a series of webinars, the Digital Dialogue Series. It is designed to allow academics, policymakers and practitioners to have open discussions, provoke critical reflections, and hopefully inspire a community of practice for the delivery of truly accessible and...

[Paolo Caroli is a Fellow at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Humboldt-University of Berlin.] If the US were a Netflix saga, the current season would be the most captivating: the killing of George Floyd and the following BLM protests, a pandemic which has already killed more Americans than WWII, the storming of the Capitol, the (now ex-)President of the United States banned from all social media....

[Ekaterina Aristova is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford and Carlos Lopez is a Senior Legal Advisor at the International Commission of Jurists.] The much-awaited judgment by the UK Supreme Court (SC) in Okpabi and others v Royal Dutch Shell Plc and another (Okpabi) was handed down in an online hearing on Friday 12 February 2021 some five years...

[Qetevan Qistauri is research assistant at the Regensburg University (Germany) with the main focus on International Human Rights Law.] ECtHR, Grand Chamber, Georgia v. Russia (II), No. 38263/08 Thursday 21 January 2021, the ECtHR decided on the interstate case under Article 33 ECHR Georgia v. Russia (II) in relation to the war in 2008, which had been dealt with by the Grand Chamber for several years. Although this...

[Victoria Priori is a PhD student in International Law at the Graduate Institute of Geneva.] The case R v Reeves Taylor before the UK Supreme Court brought to the forefront the issue of whether the infliction of serious mental or physical suffering by members of non-state armed groups amounts to torture, as defined in section 134 of the UK Criminal Justice Act (CJA) implementing the definition of the...

[Andrew Forde  just passed his PhD viva at the Irish Centre for Human Rights focussed on The Application of the ECHR in Contested European Territories, with extensive professional experience in post-conflict regions in south eastern Europe and the south Caucasus principally with the Council of Europe.] Throughout the brutal six-week war in and around Nagorno-Karabakh which began on 27 September 2020, the former Human Rights Ombudsman of...

[Quazi Omar Foysal is a Lecturer in Law at American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).] Introduction The atrocity crimes allegedly committed against Rohingyas in Myanmar have attracted unprecedented efforts to ensure justice and accountability at international and domestic levels. These efforts include but not limited to International Criminal Court (ICC), International Court of Justice (ICJ), two UN Human Rights Council bodies, an Argentine universal jurisdiction case, and several so-called military trials in Myanmar. Very...