
[Anne Herzberg is the Legal Advisor of NGO Monitor and the UN Representative for the Institute for NGO Research.] On November 2, 2021, Tara Van Ho, Senior Lecturer at Essex University, posted “The Unexpected Trade and Business Implications of Israel’s Attack on Al Haq” at Opinio Juris. In the piece, Van Ho condemns Israel’s designation of six Palestinian NGOs for their...

Call for Papers Call for Papers - Hague Yearbook of International Law: The Hague Yearbook of International Law is now receiving submissions for publication in its upcoming volume. The Hague Yearbook of International Law is an internationally recognised journal with a wide-ranging and in-depth focus on various issues of international law. It aims to offer a platform for review of new developments in the field...

[Nora Salem is Assistant Professor, Head of the Public International Law Department at the German University in Cairo and Human Rights Law Reporter for Oxford Reports on International Law. She has recently published an entry for the MPEPIL on Sharia Reservations to Human Rights Treaties, as well as a book on The Impact of the UN Women’s Rights Convention on Egypt’s Domestic Legislation (Brill).] In Palestine’s...

[Mustafa Tuncer is a PhD Candidate at University of Exeter. His research focuses on the legal situation of civilian vessels in armed conflicts at sea.] Post-Brexit fisheries disputes between the UK and France broke out over the island of Jersey’s territorial waters in an unprecedented way. After the post-Brexit trade deal on 24 December 2020, the government of Jersey, a self-governing...

[Melissa Kucinski is an international family law expert based in Washington, D.C. who consults for lawyers globally on their multi-jurisdictional family law cases.] On January 26, 2021, Ms. Narkis Golan requested that the U.S. Supreme Court grant a writ of certiorari in the ongoing saga between her and Mr. Isacco Saada concerning their child. Several years ago, Ms. Golan traveled from...

[Deborah Brown is a senior digital rights researcher and advocate at Human Rights Watch.] An upcoming trial in Ecuador should put technologists working in the public interest on high alert.  Ola Bini, a Swedish programmer, internet activist, and human rights defender will be in a Quito court accused of trying to destabilize the government by gaining access to an information system...

Call for Papers Call for Submission - Trade, Law, and Development: The Board of Editors of Trade, Law and Development is pleased to invite original, unpublished manuscripts for publication in the Special Issue of the Journal (Vol. XIV, No. 1) in the form of ‘Articles’, ‘Notes’, ‘Comments’ and ‘Book Reviews’, focusing on the theme “Looking Ahead: Addressing the Challenges Faced by the International Trade Regime”. Manuscripts...

[C. Ignacio de Casas is an Adjunct Professor of Public International Law and the Executive Director of the Human Rights Program at the Faculty of Law of Universidad Austral.] I have a state, and I'm going with you as my lawyer. International law is your field. I'm offering you the adventure of a lifetime: to save an independent state. Will you...

[Leila Nadya Sadat is the James Carr Professor of International Criminal Law at Washington University, Director of the Crimes Against Humanity Initiative and the Gun Violence and Human Rights Project, Special Advisor on Crimes Against Humanity to the International Criminal Court Prosecutor, and a Senior Research Scholar at Yale Law School. Aaron Fellmeth is the Dennis S. Karjala Professor at Arizona...

[Ahmed Abofoul is an Independent Legal Researcher at Al-Haq’s Legal Research and Advocacy Department.] Introduction Whether in the Americas, Africa, Australia or elsewhere, colonialism and its practices of domination, conquest, settlement, and exploitation of land and natural resources of the indigenous people has ruptured many ecosystems around the world. Some have accurately argued that colonists owe their success, in part, to such...

Events Interdisciplinary Series of Public Lectures on 'Decolonising Law': The University College of London (UCL) is pleased to announce an interdisciplinary series of public lectures on topics concerned with the relationships between law, race, imperialism, colonialism, anti-imperialism, and de-/anti-/post-colonialism. These lectures will take place online on Zoom, at a time chosen to maximise the possibility of live attendance globally.  Each session...