
Featured Announcement: Geneva Human Rights Platform’s Training Courses at the Geneva Academy The Geneva Human Rights Platform (GHRP) Training Hub, a project of the Geneva Academy, organizes training courses – in Geneva and online – on the work of United Nations (UN) human rights mechanisms and on specific human rights issues like the protection of human rights and the environment or...

Calls for Papers Countering terrorism and violent extremism in the public interest: The Asser Institute is hosting this hybrid workshop on 31 October and 1 November 2023 in The Hague and online. The deadline for 500 word abstract submissions is 16 June 2023. For more information, click here. Events Russian Aggression, the War in Ukraine and the Future of International Criminal Justice: On...

Calls for Papers Utrecht University Workshop - How to Find the Brakes on A Slippery Slope?: When a country enters a phase of rule of law backsliding, it often finds itself on a slippery slope that seems to lead inexorably to a full-blown rule of law crisis. The Montaigne Centre for Rule of Law and Administration of Justice and the...

Calls for Papers Call for Abstracts - AJIL Unbound: AJIL Unbound is accepting submissions of no more than 300 words until 6 June 2023 focused on logics and practices of private international law. The symposium will also honor the life and work of Karen Knop. For more information, click here. Call for Papers - Grotian law and Modernity at the Dawn...

Happy Easter, Passover, and Ramadan from OJ Events and Announcements! Events International Law, The Ocean-Climate Nexus and Human Rights: On Monday 10 April at 12:45pm Pacific Time/8:45pm UK Time, the Human Rights Center and the Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law will host this webinar in conversation with Dr Mitchell...

Calls for Papers Call for Abstracts - Reforms at United Nations: This book attempts to address much-needed reforms at the United Nations, more particularly Security Council in a global hegemonic world. In 2022, the United Nations completed 75 years and the permanent membership remains the same as it was in 1945. The book seeks to answer questions such as veto powers, wars,...

To have your event or announcement featured with Opinio Juris, please send a brief description of the event along with a link to more information to! Calls for Papers Fairness and Selectivity in International Criminal Justice: The European Society of International Law's (ESIL) Interest Group on International Criminal Justice is organizing a Workshop on Fairness and Selectivity in International Criminal...

Calls for Papers ‘Professionals and Professionalism(s) in International Criminal Justice’: On Friday 14 July 2023 the School of Law and the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Leeds is hosting an International Workshop ‘Professionals and Professionalism(s) in International Criminal Justice’. The workshop will be looking at three main themes: (1) The International Criminal Justice professional (How do diverse practitioners view their role?...

Events Frontier Clash: New Developments in the Application of International Human Rights Law to Armed Conflicts: On 13 March at 5:30pm GMT, the International Law at Westminster (ILaW) research cluster will host a panel on Frontier Clash: New Developments in the Application of International Human Rights Law to Armed Conflicts, with Prof. Yuval Shany (Hebrew University of Jerusalem and former member of...

Announcements Hello Opinio Juris readers! This is a reminder that any submissions for events or announcements may be sent to When submitting, please include a brief (one to two paragraph) description in text format (no flyers) of the event along with a link to more information--this policy can also be found on our submissions page. Thank you and we look...

Calls for Papers Call for Papers - Corporate Human Rights Responsibility in OECD Case Law: Actors, Issues, Responsibilities and Remedies: The German Research Foundation (DFG) funded project “Corporate Human Rights Responsibility  in the OECD NCP case law” at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg invites papers for a workshop on “Corporate Human Rights Responsibility In OECD Case Law: Actors, Issues, Responsibilities and Remedy” in May 2023 in...

Calls for Papers Call for Papers and Book Reviews for the Irish Yearbook of International Law: An annual, peer reviewed publication, the Irish Yearbook of International Law, is committed to the publication of articles of general interest in international law as well as articles that have a particular connection to, or relevance for, Ireland. The Yearbook is edited by Richard Collins...