
Featured Announcement: BIICL Training Courses Autumn 2020 The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) has a decade-long experience of running successful training courses. Its Public International law in Practice Course, as well as in house courses run for governments, judiciaries, civil society and others globally have earned a reputation for high level, research-informed training. During Autumn  2020 BIICL training is  moving to...

Francis Lieber Prize 2021 The American Society of International Law (ASIL) is pleased to solicit contributions for the 2021 Francis Lieber Prize. ASIL's Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict awards the Francis Lieber Prize to the authors of publications that the judges consider to be outstanding in the field of law and armed conflict.  Both monographs and articles (including chapters in...

Online Summer School The Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law is pleased to announce its Sixth International Law Summer School Program for professionals, legal researchers, post-graduates and academics in the fields of international law and human rights.  The 2020 School program will run entirely online throughout the two-week period of 12 – 22 October 2020, with the weekends being free of lectures. All presentations and discussions will...

Call for Papers German Yearbook of International Law: The Editorial Staff of the German Yearbook of International Law (GYIL) is pleased to welcome submissions for volume 63 (2020) of the journal, inviting interested parties to submit contributions for consideration for inclusion in the forthcoming edition. 2020 has proven to be the most consequential year in modern history. Recent global events have...

Workshops International Meeting on Justice for Peace: Current Challenges Facing International Criminal Law: The "José Luis Bustamante y Rivero" International Studies Workshop (TADEI)”, with sponsorship of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court, has the pleasure to extend a general invitation to the "International Meeting on Justice for Peace: Current Challenges Facing International Criminal Law," which has as its main objective...

Virtual Panel Discussion on International Institutions and COVID-19: A Third World Perspective The Centre for International Legal Studies at OP Jindal Global Law School is conducting a series of event titled International Law, Political Economy and Covid-19. The second event of the series is a zoom panel discussion on "Can We Reimagine International Institutions? A Third World Perspective" on 25 July 2020 from 3:30 -...

Book Launch Event on 23 July 2020 Existing Legal Limits to Security Council Veto Power in the Face of Atrocity Crimes (Cambridge University Press 2020), co-sponsored by the American Society of International Law International Criminal Law Interest Group and the American Branch of the International Law Association United Nations Committee. Join leading experts in the field discuss Professor Jennifer Trahan's new book, which...

Announcement: Women in International Law Interest Group Scholarship Prize

  • The Women in International Law Scholarship Interest Group at the American Society of International Law (WILIG) Scholarship Prize Committee (Lori Damrosch, Adrien Wing, Viviana Krsticevic, Nienke Grossman and Milena Sterio) is excited to create the Inaugural WILIG Scholarship Prize.
  • The WILIG Scholarship Prize aims to highlight and promote excellence in international law scholarship involving women and girls, gender, and feminist approaches. Although scholars have utilized gender and feminist analyses in international law for at least a quarter of a century, such approaches frequently fail to permeate the mainstream of international legal scholarship and practice. This prize, awarded every two years, recognizes innovative contributions to international law scholarship that theorize or utilize a feminist lens or lenses, highlight and seek to address topics disproportionately affecting women and girls, or consider the impact of international law or policy on gender more broadly.
  • WILIG’s Scholarship Prize Committee invites all ASIL members to submit a single article, chapter, or book published in the last three years, for consideration. Self-nomination is welcome, as is nomination of others. The Committee will consider the following criteria in granting the award, and encourages nominators to include a brief cover letter describing how the submitted work meets these criteria:

    1. Appropriate Substance. The work utilizes a feminist lens or lenses, addresses a topic that disproportionately affects women and girls, or considers the impact of international law or policy on gender more broadly.
    2. Innovative. The work addresses topics not covered by previous scholars, highlights diverse perspectives on law and policy, uses new theoretical or methodological approaches, or applies theoretical or methodological approaches to topics in new ways.
    3. Learned. The work demonstrates in-depth knowledge and expertise concerning a topic.
    4. Impactful. The work has affected or has the potential to affect the way scholars and policy-makers view or address a particular topic or issue going forward.
  • Please email your cover letter and scholarly work to lschnitzer[at]ubalt[dot]edu with subject line “WILIG Scholarship Prize Submission” by 15 June 2020. Questions about the prize can be emailed to wilig[at]asil[dot]org.
  • The WILIG Scholarship Prize will be awarded at the WILIG Luncheon at the 2021 ASIL Annual Meeting.

Events TAU International Law Workshop: Tel-Aviv University is pleased to announce a Special Zoom COVID-19 Roundtable on "Global Health Governance, Sovereignty and Human Rights in the Shadow of COVID-19" on Monday, 27 April 2020, from 16:15 - 17:45 Tel-Aviv Time (UTC+03). Speakers will include: Sari Bashi, Human rights lawyer, co-founder of Gisha-Legal Center for Freedom of Movement; Aeyal Gross, TAU Buchmann...

Call for Papers PluriCourts-iCourts 'Concepts & Methods' Workshop: We  invite paper proposals for a PluriCourts-iCourts 'Concepts & Methods' Workshop on the topic 'When International Courts and Tribunals Defer to States', to be held in Oslo, Norway, on 24-25 November 2020. International Courts and Tribunals (ICs) sometimes allow national actors a certain discretion in their implementation of international obligations. To illustrate: The...

Announcements Rosalyn Higgins Prize: The Law & Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (LPICT) now invites submissions for the 2020 Rosalyn Higgins Prize. The deadline for the prize is 30 June 2020. The Rosalyn Higgins Prizeis an annual prize which awards EUR 1.000 of Brill book vouchers and a one-year LPICT subscription to the author of the best article on the law and...

Events Call for Proposals - BIICL Conference on Teaching International Law: The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is delighted to be convening a conference entitled 'Teaching International Law'. The conference will take place at BIICL on 7-8 September 2020. The Organising Committee invites all those engaging with the teaching of international law from around the world to share their...