
Announcements Francis Lieber Prize 2021: The American Society of International Law's Lieber Society on the Law of Armed Conflict awards the Francis Lieber Prize to the authors of publications that the judges consider to be outstanding in the field of law and armed conflict.  Both monographs and articles (including chapters in books of essays) are eligible for consideration — the prize is...

Events COVID-19 and International Law: The Bocconi University , with the support of the European Society of International Law, is organising a webinar on the theme of 'COVID-19 and International law: Novel Strain or old wine in new test tubes?'. The Webinar will be held on 15 December 2020 at 13.30-18.00. Concept note: As the blogosphere breathlessly attests, the COVID-19 pandemic...

Announcements Top international lawyers to draft definition of 'Ecocide': International lawyer Philippe Sands QC and international judge Justice Florence Mumba are to co-chair an expert drafting panel on the legal definition of “ecocide” as a potential international crime that could sit alongside War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity.  Launching with preparatory work this month, and set to draft the definition...

Events Launch of the Nuremberg Academy Lectures – Philippe Sands: It is with great pleasure that the International Nuremberg Principles Academy announces the launch of its Nuremberg Academy Lectures. We are particularly honoured that Professor Philippe Sands, British-French human rights lawyer, Professor of Law at University College London and author of seventeen books on international law, will deliver the inaugural lecture on...

Call for Papers University of Michigan Law School Virtual Junior Scholars Conference: The University of Michigan Law School invites junior scholars to attend the 7th Annual Junior Scholars Conference, which will take place virtually on 16-17 April 2021. The conference provides junior scholars with a platform to present and discuss their work with peers, and to receive detailed feedback from senior members of the...

Announcements The Latest Volume of the Nuremberg Academy Series The Tokyo Tribunal: Perspectives on Law, History and Memory is out now. With the third volume of the Nuremberg Academy Series, the Nuremberg Academy offers a publication on The Tokyo Tribunal: Perspectives on Law, History and Memory, edited by Viviane E. Dittrich, Kerstin von Lingen, Philipp Osten and Jolana Makraiová. This publication combines perspectives from law,...

Events The International Nuremberg Principles Academy is pleased to announce and invite you to the launch of the third volume of the Nuremberg Academy Series, an anthology entitled The Tokyo Tribunal: Perspectives on Law, History and Memory edited by Viviane E. Dittrich, Kerstin von Lingen, Philipp Osten and Jolana Makraiová.  Join us for this online live event on 30 October 2020, from 10 a.m. -...

Events On 21 October 2020, the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute is co-hosting a virtual side event with the UN Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights to mark the launch the following day of her pathbreaking new report to the General Assembly on CLIMATE CHANGE AND CULTURAL EXTINCTION: A Human Rights Crisis. The negative impacts of climate change on the enjoyment...

Sponsored Announcement The 2020 BIICL Annual WTO Conference: 22-23 October 2020 The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is delighted to announce its prestigious WTO Conference. Established in 2000, the WTO Conference is one of the most important annual events in international trade law, addressing topical academic and practical issues. This is a pivotal moment for trade affairs and a critical time to take...

Sponsored Announcement ABILA International Law Weekend 2020 The American Branch of the International Law Association is pleased to announce that registration is now open for International Law Weekend 2020, to be held virtually from October 22-24. The theme is International Law in Challenging Times. From shifting political alliances to changing trade and economic relations, the world around us is undergoing profound transformations. The backlash against...

Announcements Announcing the new ANZSIL History and Theory of International Law Interest Group We are thrilled to announce the establishment of the ANZSIL History and Theory of International Law (HTIL) Interest Group. The new HTIL Interest Group has been established in response to the sustained growth of diverse and vibrant scholarship in the history and theory of international law. Scholars inspired by...

Events Global Law at Reading (GLAR) is delighted to unveil the programme for the 2020/21 Ghandhi Research Seminar Series. The series showcases the work of leading experts in global law fields. It is convened this year by Dr Marie Aronsson-Storrier and Dr Matthew Windsor, and is named in honour of Professor Sandy Ghandhi, who taught at the School of Law from 1978...