Author: Roger Alford

I would be curious what our readers' opinions are of this compromise. Scroll down and vote. Do you approve or disapprove of the Graham/Levin Amendment?ApproveDisapproveDon't Know/No Opinion  Free polls from

The Harvard Law Review has just issued its Supreme Court Review and it includes four wonderful articles by Richard Posner, Vicki Jackson, Jeremy Waldron and Ernest Young debating Roper and the citation to foreign authority. Jackson and Waldron favor comparativism, while Young and Posner express strong skepticism. Abstracts and full texts of the articles are available on the Harvard Law...

Last week the D.C. federal district court dismissed a class action lawsuit against Ethiopia. In the case of Nemariam v. Ethiopia, __ F.Supp.2d __ (D.D.C. Nov. 8, 2005), available here, Ethiopia allegedly expropriated bank accounts of Eritreans living in Ethiopia. Specifically, the allegation is that Ethiopia and its agents engaged in a systematic effort to seize the property of the...

A parody of the recent New York Times article, “Yale Law Frets Over Court Choices It Knows Best”: NEW HAVEN, Nov. 8 - The morning after Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. was announced as the president’s choice for the Supreme Court, some students and professors at his alma mater, the Yale Law School, were...

Although little noticed in the mainstream media, pirates are on the prowl along the Horn of Africa. In a short squib in the New York Times this weekend it was reported that “Somali pirates chased and attacked five ships in the last week in a sharp rise of banditry apparently directed form a “mother ship” prowling the busy Indian Ocean...

Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was elected as president of Liberia, the first democratically-elected female president in Africa. Johnson-Sirleaf won with 59 percent of the vote. When asked whether Africa is prepared for its first female president, Johnson-Sirleaf said, “Africa is ready for a female president… Women have the education, the character, the competence, and the integrity to lead the nation.” Nigerian politician...

Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez gave an important speech at the University of Chicago Law School yesterday strongly criticizing the recent trend of reliance on foreign and international authority. Gonzales made several key points:1. Sometimes reliance on international law is appropriate. "Judges and lawyers routinely use international law in other contexts. For instance, judges and lawyers seeking to interpret our...

One of the most important NAFTA Chapter 11 decisions is Loewen v. United States. The Canadian company brought a $725 million claim against the United States arguing that a Mississippi state court judgment constituted a violation of NAFTA. The claim questioned whether the state court appeals process (particularly the appeal bond) could constitute an unlawful investment restriction under NAFTA. The...

As Julian reported yesterday, Samuel Alito's 1972 Princeton senior thesis, "An Introduction to the Italian Constitutional Court" is now in the public domain. It is available here. The Daily Princetonian has a short summary here.There are several interesting aspects of the thesis. First, it is quite a remarkable piece of work. It is no small feat for a twenty-two-year-old...

The best place to go to see what the blogosphere is saying about the Paris riots is here. The right hand column has the most popular bloggers discussing the riots. The best list of news summaries regarding events in France is here. The best editorial I've seen on the riots is by Mark Steyn, available here. The best...

In a roundtable interview of President Bush with foreign print media just prior to his trip to Argentina, Bush was asked the following question by a foreign correspondent:"What do you think about the [prospect] of--in the Bolivian election, the victory of an overtly leftist candidate, Evo Morales, of his peasant movement? And in that case, are you worried about a...

As I reported two weeks ago, Ben Stein is experiencing cognitive dissonance. He knows he should not give to Yale. He knows his beneficence is better channeled to more worthy and needy causes. Two weeks ago he had the temerity to note that since it was virtually meaningless to give to Yale, why bother? Better, he concluded, to give to...