Author: John Lentz

I am interested in the issue of "coded language."   As a protestant minister who preaches from sacred texts often using theological language concerning, for example, "sin" "redemption" "judgement," etc., am I to interpret that this theological language is "coded?"  It is, of course, in a way - for it is language that is full of meaning(s) - hence, meaningful.  Professor Marcus...

Certainly Professor Guiora has raised very profound issues.   It would help me to have a specific scenario of how this would play out.   For example - some well known Christian radical fundamentalist preacher (who has been known to call on God's wrath against some group) gets up in the pulpit one Sunday and says; "I have had a direct revelation from God and...

As a pastor of a church I find Professor Guiora's words both challenging and problematic.  Here are four points: 1.  Professor Guiora writes, "Society has historically - unjustifiably and blindly - granted religion immunity."   What society?  Separating "society" from "religion" is very much a modern issue. Society didn't grant immunity to anything.  Rather, society was shaped by religion and was pretty...