Author: Hari Osofsky

In a move likely to have a significant impact on U.S. foreign policy, particularly with respect to Iraq, President Bush announced today that Donald Rumsfeld is resigning as Defense Secretary and that Robert Gates is replacing him. Here's an excerpt from the ABC News Report: Donald Rumsfeld will resign as Defense Secretary in a stunning consequence of yesterday's midterm election results...

As election day proceeds apace in the United States, it’s worth turning our gaze southward to note that the OAS’s Electoral Observation Mission has declared that the November 5, 2006 Nicaraguan elections were “peaceful and orderly, had a massive turnout and took place in accordance with the law.” It found an average citizen participation of approximately 70%, with only...

I also wanted to add a brief perspective on the Hussein decision as an example of the interrelationship of domestic and international law and politics. The verdict likely will have little impact on most voters’ perspectives, but the tight and arguably tightening polls--compare the various polls on that even tiny shifts might make a difference. Whether or...

As I stare out at the grey, rainy day here in Eugene, my thoughts turn to recent bad news about our atmosphere and oceans. Three publications from the past few weeks indicate the climate change is likely to have a massive economic impact, the world’s fish stocks are on the verge of collapse, and Canada is not complying with...

I am delighted to have the opportunity to guest blog on Opinio Juris, and look forward to dialoguing with you in the coming days. Many thanks for including me. I want to lead off with a few reflections on international law and geography that seem relevant in our heated pre-election environment. Beginning with Harvard in 1947 and continuing over...