Author: alexandra lily kather

[Mark Klamberg is professor of international law at Stockholm University and currently resides in Washington, DC, where he is affiliated with American University WCL and the Atlantic Council’s Strategic Litigation Project. Alexandra Lily Kather provides expert legal advice to a range of accountability actors, including the Strategic Litigation Project at the Atlantic Council, on violations of international criminal law with a...

[Mark Klamberg is professor of international law at Stockholm University and currently resides in Washington, DC, where he is affiliated with American University WCL and the Atlantic Council’s Strategic Litigation Project. Alexandra Lily Kather provides expert legal advice to a range of accountability actors, including the Strategic Litigation Project at the Atlantic Council, on violations of international criminal law with a...

[valentina azarova is cofounder, emergent justice collective; cofounder, de:border // migration justice collective; and collective member, Feminist Autonomous Centre for research alexandra lily kather is co-founder of the emergent justice collective, works to strengthen decolonial feminist, intersectional and abolitionist approaches in international justice] “I want to do more than recount the violence that deposited these traces in the archive” Saidiya Hartman“Venus...

[Alexandra Lily Kather, co-founder of the emergent justice collective, advises accountability actors on the strategic investigation and prosecution of intersectional dimensions of core international crimes and works to strengthen decolonial feminist, intersectional as well as transformative approaches in international justice.] [Yousuf Syed Khan is a Senior Lawyer with Global Rights Compliance, where he focusses on accountability for starvation as a method of warfare in...

[Alexandra Lily Kather (she/they) is a lawyer, international justice practitioner & co-founder of the Emergent Justice Collective (EJC). Their work focuses, inter alia, on strategically addressing the intersectional dimensions of core international crimes. Angela Mudukuti is a member of Opinio Juris and a human rights lawyer specialised in international criminal law. She has worked with a variety of international organsisations including the International Criminal Court and Human Rights...

[Alexandra Lily Kather is a Legal Advisor at ECCHR’s International Crimes and Accountability Program. Anne Schroeter is a Legal Advisor at ECCHR’s International Crimes and Accountability Program. This post represents the personal views of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights. This is Part II of a two-part post.] This change of course...

[Alexandra Lily Kather is a Legal Advisor at ECCHR’s International Crimes and Accountability Program. Anne Schroeter is a Legal Advisor at ECCHR’s International Crimes and Accountability Program. This post represents the personal views of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights. This is Part I of a two-part post.] With ISIL’s territorial control...