Events and Announcements: 16 March 2025

Events and Announcements: 16 March 2025

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Calls for Papers

Workshop – Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals: The Latin American Society of International Law (LASIL) Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals is pleased to invite submissions for an online pre-conference workshop on ‘Narratives in International Courts and Tribunals’, scheduled for 25 June 2025. Building upon the diverse backgrounds of state and non-state actors participating in international legal proceedings, the workshop will explore the crafting and mobilization of narratives in international law. Focus will be given not only to the narratives formally presented in adjudicative bodies, but also broader considerations on what influences their structural design and framing. Submissions may also include: comparative regional perspectives, litigation strategies, foreign legal policy, critical approaches, the role of legal experts, the integration of social sciences, and the use of specific procedural mechanisms. The deadline for abstract submissions is 30 April 2025. For details on submission guidelines and workshop themes, see here.

Conference – SDG+10: A Global Legal Stocktake of Achievements, Opportunities, and Challenges: The University of Southampton’s Law School is organizing a hybrid conference to mark the first ten years of the Sustainable Development Goals: “SDG+10: A Global Legal Stocktake of Achievements, Opportunities, and Challenges.” The conference will take place on 17th–18th September 2025. Some of the themes that will be covered include: Goals 13 and 7, non-proliferation of fossil fuels and energy resilience; Harnessing AI for SDGs; Trade, Investment and Sustainable Development: securing a positive relationship; SDG15: Biodiversity loss: Innovative approaches to conservation and use; Housing and SDG11: making ‘cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable’; Shipping and Sustainability; and SDG17: Developing the private law framework to support sustainable development. Some of the papers may be selected for publication in a Journal Symposium. We encourage scholars and practitioners worldwide and at any stage of their career to apply. Abstracts should be sent to Hwon Lee ( by 31 May 2025. Further information can be found here


TwoLaW Lecture – The Notion of an Illegal Occupation in the ICJ’s 2024 Palestine Advisory Opinion: The TwoLaW – Lecture Series on the Laws of War invites you to an online lecture by Marco Milanovic on “The Notion of an Illegal Occupation in the ICJ’s 2024 Palestine Advisory Opinion.” The lecture will examine the ICJ’s 2024 advisory opinion on Israel’s Occupied Palestinian Territory and unpack the Court’s reasoning and the judges’ individual opinions. The lecture takes place on Microsoft Teams on Monday, 24 March 2025, from 6-7 pm CET. Please make sure to register at

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Announcements, Calls for Papers, Events

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