September 2020

[Dr Brendan Ciarán Browne is an Assistant Professor Conflict Resolution at Trinity College Dublin.] Introduction Few ‘conflicts’ engender the widest possible scrutiny within public, political and academic discourse than Israel’s ongoing settler colonial mission in Palestine. The goal of many critical legal scholars is thus to unpack the ways in which international law is weaponised to subjugate the Palestinian people, providing opportunity for students to debate and interrogate international...

[Seokwoo LEE is a Professor of International law at Inha University Law School.] As the COVID-19 pandemic made its way to Korea in January 2020, South Korean educational authorities scrambled to adjust to social distancing and other measures to prevent the spread of the virus, especially among the student population. With the school year beginning in March, and after postponing the start of the academic term, the...

[Noha Aboueldahab is a Fellow at the Brookings Institution and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at Georgetown University in Qatar.] In the fall of 2019, I taught public international law to upper-level undergraduate students in the International Politics program at Georgetown University’s satellite campus in Qatar (GU-Q). I will teach it again in the upcoming semester. However, this time, I will deliver it entirely online. GU-Q offers an American college curriculum...

[Amritha V. Shenoy is an Assistant Professor at the Kathmandu School of Law.] As 1.37 billion students around the world are confined to their homes, schools and universities are exploring virtual teaching strategies. My own institution, Kathmandu School of Law, has opted for Zoom as the mode of delivery. While many of us initially thought that we would deliver the lectures we use for our...

[Florence Shako is a Lecturer at Riara Law School, LLM (LSE), LLB (UoN), Advocate, MCIArb, CS, CPA.] Formal education was introduced in Kenya by Western missionaries, as an instrument for advancing the civilising mission. However, in the years of colonial rule, no facility for legal education was established. This is curious given that the period witnessed significant expansion of public as well as private institutions, and...

[Pouria Askary (@AskaryPouria) is an Assistant Professor of International Law at Allameh Tabataba’i University and Sina Etezazian (@SinaEtezazian) is a Visiting Lecturer in Law at Allameh Tabataba’i University.] Eurocentrism played an important role in developing our understanding of the international legal regime in Iran. It also influenced our approach toward legal pedagogy. The first academic center in Iran to provide courses...

[Babatunde Fagbayibo is a Professor of International Law, University of South Africa.] In 2017, I wrote an editorial criticising the decision of Third World Quarterly to publish Bruce Gilley’s offensive article on the need to bring colonialism back to Africa. Although the journal eventually withdrew the article due to widespread opposition, the point was made. As I noted in the piece, “Would Third World Quarterly (or...

[Tony Anghie is a Professor of Law at  the University of Utah and National University of Singapore and the Head, Teaching and Researching International Law (TRILA), Centre for International Law, at the National University of Singapore.] Introduction I believe that questions of pedagogy and the teaching of law and critical theory must be considered in the context of the goals we seek to achieve as teachers. I teach my...

Formalism in the teaching of international law is burning out. This is not surprising. Its application always seemed impractical, suffering from the theory’s glaring defects as well as unique flaws when administered to international law. Treaty interpretation and state practice, for example, the two most suitable facets for formalist analysis, proved deficient in producing the conclusive-qua-correct outcomes that formalists fetishize....

Online Summer School The Al-Haq Center for Applied International Law is pleased to announce its Sixth International Law Summer School Program for professionals, legal researchers, post-graduates and academics in the fields of international law and human rights.  The 2020 School program will run entirely online throughout the two-week period of 12 – 22 October 2020, with the weekends being free of lectures. All presentations and discussions will...

[Andrea Farrés is a young international lawyer specialized in IHL, international security and human rights issues.]  With the fog of war getting thicker and thicker, commanders and politicians are naturally inclined to search for tools to get guidance on how they can better comply with the international humanitarian law (IHL) targeting principles, specifically the principle of distinction. To distinguish a civilian from a combatant, or a person who is taking...

[Mark Nevitt is an Associate Professor at Syracuse University College of Law and affiliated faculty with Syracuse University’s Institute for Security Policy & Law and a former lawyer in the United States Navy.]    Is the climate-security century upon us?  If so, what are the implications for international legal governance and institutions?  In his recent Opinio Juris essay, based on his provocative and meticulously researched article, Atmospheric Intervention, Professor Martin argues...