Golriz Ghahraman Joins the ECCC

Golriz Ghahraman Joins the ECCC

I am proud and delighted to report that my former student and current friend, Golriz Ghahraman, has accepted a position as a prosecutor at the ECCC.  I don’t think I’m old enough or distinguished enough to have a protege — but if I am, she’s it.  Golriz, who is Iranian-Kiwi, is by far the most gifted student I’ve ever had, and her record speaks for itself: LLB from the University of Auckland; four years of experience as a defence barrister in New Zealand; positions with the Karadzic defence team at the ICTY and the Bikindi defence team at the ICTR; just finishing her masters at Oxford with a dissertation on extrajudicial killing and Iran’s special courts (which I had the pleasure of co-supervising).  She will make a fantastic addition to the Office of the Co-Prosecutors, and it speaks volumes about Andrew Cayley and his team that they would hire someone whose entire legal career has been on the defence side.  Her defence skills will serve her well now that she’s defected to the other team.

Congratulations, Golriz!

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Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis

Congrats!  I tell newbie professors that at the end of the day if you are hit by a car all that remains is 1) what you wrote and 2) the students that you taught (not in any particular order).  It is wonderful that such an excellent student is able to continue on a path that is her passion.