East Coast Travels (Updated)

East Coast Travels (Updated)

I don’t get to the East Coast of the U.S. very often these days, so I thought I’d mention that I will be in Boston and DC next week, in case any Opinio Juris readers want to meet up.  I will be giving a lecture on the Karadzic trial (with a bit of discussion afterward about the ICC and Libya) at Harvard Law School on Tuesday the 22nd.  The lecture, which will take place in Hauser 102 at noon, is open to the public.  I will then be in DC from the 22nd to the 26th. On the 23rd, I plan on attending this event on Darfur from 10-11:30 and this roundtable on IHL from 1:00-3:00.  I’ll then be milling about aimlessly at the ASIL conference for the next few days, with plenty of time for coffee.

I also want to add that Oxford University Press will have bound proofs of my book available for inspection at ASIL.  The book looks beautiful, as OUP’s books always do; I will try to post a new image of the dust jacket in the next couple of days. But by all means check the proofs out if you are at the conference!

UPDATE: Here is a link to the talk at Harvard Law School.

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