No, Facebook, I Am Not Friends With Hitler

No, Facebook, I Am Not Friends With Hitler

I know Facebook does some strange things regarding friend suggestions, but I think this “tag your friends” request might take the cake.  Behold how Facebook interpreted a photo I took of Mein Kampf in the Nuremberg Documentation Center:

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Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis


N. Jayaram
N. Jayaram

Apart from mangling photos, deFacebook won’t take anything other than a strict First Name Last Name, with middlename(s) in addition, if so preferred.
And both first and last names have to be multi-alphabet.
I wonder what it’d do in case of people from cultures such as In Indonesia where many people have just one name and no surname, or from parts of East Asia where people have first or last names made up of a single alphabet such as A, E, O or U.
Many South Indians have no surname and reduce their father’s name, clan name or name of ancestral village to a single initial. But deFacebook will have none of it.


Fantastic! Made my evening!