Call for Papers – Int’l Law Assoc. Asia-Pacific Regional Conference

Call for Papers – Int’l Law Assoc. Asia-Pacific Regional Conference

Professor Pasha Hsieh of Singapore Management University School of Law has asked us to alert our readers about the following call for papers for the 2011 International Law Association Asia-Pacific Regional Conference scheduled for May 29-June 1, 2011 Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China.

The Chinese (Taiwan) Society of International Law is pleased to hold the International Law Association (ILA) Asia-Pacific Regional Conference from Sunday, May 29 to Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at the Grand Formosa Regent Taipei, a Four Seasons Hotel, in Taipei, Taiwan, ROC. The theme of the conference will be Contemporary International Law Issues in the Asia Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges. This conference aims to provide a forum for international law stakeholders to explore the full range of international and transnational legal issues related to the Asia-Pacific region.

Proposals from both scholars and professionals are encouraged on any topic relating to international law with a focus on the Asia Pacific. Subject areas may include, but are not limited to, the following:

General Public International Law

The Use of Force

Asia-Pacific Security

Territorial Disputes

Teaching and Research of International Law

The Law of the Sea

International Frameworks on Fisheries Conservation

International Criminal Law

International Protection of Human Rights

International Economic Law


FTAs and the Cross-Strait ECFA

United Nations and Regional Organizations

Private International Law

Enforcement of Arbitral Awards and Court Judgments

Paper and panel proposals must be submitted electronically by December 20, 2010 to A proposal of no more than 300 words should include the author’s name and full contact information. The conference committee welcomes proposal submissions and conference attendance from ILA members. The conference committee will select proposals and announce the outcome by the end of January 2011. Presenters are required to submit full, referenced papers by April 30, 2011. The Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs will publish the conference proceedings.

More details on the schedule and topics for papers can be found here.  Sounds like a great conference. I hope to attend myself!

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zishaan iskandari
zishaan iskandari

its a query….m a final yr law student….m i eligible?