Law Review Citations to Blogs

Law Review Citations to Blogs

Dave Hoffman has a post today at Concurring Opinions reporting the results of an empirical study of how often law reviews have cited various blogs.  According to the study, blogs have been cited 5460 times since 2006, with the following blogs representing the top-10 in terms of citations:

  • FindLaw’s Writ — 618 citations
  • Volokh Conspiracy — 402
  • SCOTUSBlog — 305
  • Balkinization — 259
  • Patently-O — 211
  • Concurring Opinions — 162
  • Sentencing Law and Policy — 160
  • JURIST Paper Chase — 130
  • PrawfsBlawg — 122
  • The Becker-Posner Blog — 104

Opinio Juris has been cited 49 times, which makes us the 27th most-cited blog.  I think that’s pretty impressive, given how much more specialized we are than most of the blogs in the top-10 (and in the top-20).

The full Excel spreadsheet is available here.

P.S. My own search reveals 57 citations, which would place us 25th.

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dave hoffman

You get 57 when limiting it to citations after 2006? I can’t replicate that — I get 52, with 3 coming after the beginning of the summer (when Rob ran the searches).