Jose Alvarez Appointed Special Advisor on International Law to ICC Prosecutor

Jose Alvarez Appointed Special Advisor on International Law to ICC Prosecutor

This seems like a nice, uncontroversial way to buttress the ICC Prosecutor’s Office:

ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo today announced the appointment of Professor Jose Alvarez as his Office’s Special Advisor on International Law. “Professor Alvarez is one of the leading academics in international law,” said Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo. “He has written extensively on the law-making powers of international organisations and on the ad hoc international war crimes tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.”

As Special Adviser to the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP), Professor Alvarez will focus on any public international law questions that arise in the course of the Prosecutor’s duties. This may include, for example, the relationship between the Security Council and the International Criminal Court.

Congrats, Jose!

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Courts & Tribunals, International Criminal Law
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Benjamin Davis
Benjamin Davis

Congrats Jose – what an interesting time to be in that spot!


Hopefully, this will help in future filings and policy decisions…It is a bit strange that the OTP feels the need to hire special advisors in this field – does anyboy know if this a regular post foreseen by the ICC budget? Or it is a more ‘ceremonial’ appointment, ad hoc with no specific job description? Just curious…