Call for Papers: German Yearbook of International Law

Call for Papers: German Yearbook of International Law

Our friends at the German Yearbook have asked us to post the following call for papers, and we are happy to oblige:

The German Yearbook of International Law is Germany’s oldest yearbook in the field of public international law. The GYIL is published annually by the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel and contains contributions on topics addressing international law, including neighboring fields such as international criminal law, international humanitarian law, international economic law, and the international law of the sea. We aim to provide a forum for scholars in international law – both inside and outside Germany – to publish new research on and analysis of current issues in international law. The Yearbook features a ‘Forum’ for which a prominent scholar of international law is invited to write a stand-alone article and a ‘Focus’ section for which a group of experts are invited to write articles examining various aspects of a topic set in advance by the editors. Recent Focus sections have examined regional human rights mechanisms (2009), poverty as a challenge to international law (2008) and German approaches to international law (2007). The 2010 Focus section will examine climate change.

In a departure from past editions, the “General Articles” section of Vol. 53 (2010) of the GYIL will be open to submissions from the entire academic community, which will be independently peer-reviewed by a community of renowned experts. All work submitted will be scrutinized based on its intellectual quality and its significance in advancing academic discourse. The Editors have thus decided to issue this general call for papers to invite interested parties to submit a paper for consideration for inclusion in the forthcoming edition.

Persons interested in publishing in the GYIL should submit a manuscript conforming with the house-style of the GYIL (which is available on request) dealing with any topic of interest in the field of public international law to the editors by 1 September 2010. Potential authors are also requested to include a brief biographical statement, including information regarding current academic affiliations and general research interests. All inquiries and materials should be addressed to the assistant editors of the GYIL via e-mail:

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Foreign Relations Law, International Criminal Law
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[…] The German Yearbook of International Law is Germany’s oldest yearbook in the field of public international law. The GYIL is published annually by the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law at the University of Kiel and Read more […]