Sudan: Hybrid Court an ICC Plot!

Sudan: Hybrid Court an ICC Plot!


The political bureau officer at the NCP Mandoor Al-Mahdi also accused the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo of standing behind the hybrid court proposal.

“After Ocampo failed in furthering his agenda through the ICC he now wants to find another entry though the so-called hybrid court” Al-Mahdi said.

This week the ICC prosecutor hailed the special tribunal proposal made by Mbeki’s panel saying that it would complement his court’s work.

“The primary responsibility lies in national states,” Ocampo told Reuters. “The ICC is just doing a piece — prosecuting the most responsible — but then there are other efforts needed”.

Note to Sudanese government: the Mbeki Panel recommended creating a hybrid court so you could avoid the ICC.  You’re not helping yourself…

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Africa, International Criminal Law, International Human Rights Law, Organizations
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