First Ever(?) Teaching International Law Workshop

First Ever(?) Teaching International Law Workshop

I break my self-imposed blog exile to shamelessly promote an event we are hosting at Hofstra this Friday: the first ever all day teaching workshop devoted solely to teaching international law. The event is sponsored by the American Society of International Law and the American Branch of the International Law Association with the support of Hofstra. (OK, I don’t actually know if it is the “first ever”, but I have never heard of one before but I’m sure one of my readers will correct.)  The full program can be found here.

I would have advertised for more participants, but so many folks have registered that I’m already nervous about whether I’ve reserved enough parking spots for everyone. Seriously, it should be an interesting day. The topics will range from macro (e.g. what exactly should we teach in “international law,” should it be a required course?) to micro (how to incorporate specific international law issues into teaching).  OJ’s own Chris Borgen will lend us his wisdom. With some help from my intrepid students, I hope to post some summaries and discussions of the day’s presentations here and on the Hofstra Law website.

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John C. Dehn


I am disappointed that I am unable to attend the workshop (teaching five days a week has many drawbacks).  I wish that I could and look forward to hearing of its stunning success.
