National Law School of India Review: Call for Papers

National Law School of India Review: Call for Papers

I received this notice that I thought our readers may find of interest:

The National Law School of India Review (NLSIR) is the flagship journal of one of India’s premier law institutions, the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. The NLSIR is a peer-reviewed journal, and is published twice a year. The latest issue – Volume 21(1) – included contributions from Justice S.B. Sinha, Judge, Supreme Court of India; Mr. Hans Koechler, Professor of Philosophy and International Observer at the Lockerbie trials; Mr. Arvind Datar, Senior Counsel, Mr. Geoffrey Loomer, Said Business School, Oxford and others. Details are available here. Volume 21(2) – a symposium issue focusing on arbitration – is scheduled for publication in the coming month.

The NLSIR is now accepting submissions for Volume 22(1). The issue will be published in early 2010. Submissions may be made as Long Articles, Essays or Comments; on any legal topic of interest to an international readership. Submissions may be made to and queries regarding submission or subscription information may be made at the same email address.

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